Module type2fuzzy

>>> import type2fuzzy as t2f
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Recommended Use
>>> import type2fuzzy as t2f
__all__ = []

import type2fuzzy.membership as _membership
import type2fuzzy.display as _display
import type2fuzzy.type_reduction as _tr
import type2fuzzy.type1_defuzzification as _t1defuzz
import type2fuzzy.measurement as _measure

from type2fuzzy.membership import *
from type2fuzzy.display import *
from type2fuzzy.type_reduction import *
from type2fuzzy.type1_defuzzification import *
from type2fuzzy.measurement import *


__author__  = 'Carmel Gafa'
__email__ = ''
__copyright__ = '"Copyright 2007, Carmel Gafa"'
__status__  = "alpha"
__version__ = "0.1"
__date__    = "01 April 2019"



type2fuzzy.display …


type2fuzzy.measurement …


type2fuzzy.membership …


Unit Tests for the library


type2fuzzy.type1_defuzzification …


type2fuzzy.type_reduction …


def cog_defuzzify(type1_set)

Centre of gravity defuzzification method


Pedrycz, Witold. Fuzzy control and fuzzy systems (2nd. Research Studies Press Ltd., 1993.


type1_set – Type1FuzzySet, the set whose centroid is to be computed


centroid – float, the centroid of this set


Exception if the denominator of the calculation is zero

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def cog_defuzzify(type1_set):
        Centre of gravity defuzzification method

        Pedrycz, Witold. Fuzzy control and fuzzy systems (2nd. Research Studies Press Ltd., 1993.

        type1_set   -- Type1FuzzySet, the set whose centroid is to be computed

        centroid    -- float, the centroid of this set

        Exception if the denominator of the calculation is zero

        numerator = 0
        denominator = 0

        for domain_element in type1_set.domain_elements():
                numerator = numerator + (domain_element * type1_set[domain_element])
                denominator = denominator + type1_set[domain_element]

        centroid = 0
        if denominator == 0:
                raise Exception('Cannot determine centroid')
                centroid = numerator / denominator

        return centroid
def create_gaussian_fixed_mean(primary_domain, sigma1, sigma2, mean=1.0)

Creates an interval type-2 fuzzy set with fixed standard deviation and uncertain mean


primary_domain – list, elements of primary domain

sigma1 – lowest value of standard deviation

sigma2 – highest value of standard deviation

mean – mean , default 1


interval_set – created interval type-2 fuzzy set


Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Introduction to type-2 fuzzy logic systems." 1998 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Proceedings. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence ( Cat. No. 98CH36228). Vol. 2. IEEE, 1998.

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def create_gaussian_fixed_mean(primary_domain, sigma1, sigma2, mean=1.0):
        Creates an interval type-2 fuzzy set with fixed standard deviation and uncertain mean

        primary_domain -- list, elements of primary domain

        sigma1 -- lowest value of standard deviation

        sigma2 -- highest value of standard deviation

        mean -- mean , default 1

        interval_set -- created interval type-2 fuzzy set

        Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. 
        "Introduction to type-2 fuzzy logic systems." 
        1998 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Proceedings.
        IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (
        Cat. No. 98CH36228). Vol. 2. IEEE, 1998.
        # check that m1 is smaller than m2
        if sigma1 > sigma2:
                raise Exception('ERROR: m1 vaue must be smaller or equal to m2')
        interval_set = IntervalType2FuzzySet()
        u1 = 0
        u2 = 0

        for x in primary_domain:

                u1 = math.exp(-0.5*((x-float(mean))/sigma1)**2)
                u2 = math.exp(-0.5*((x-float(mean))/sigma2)**2)

                # add the element to the it2fs
                interval_set.add_element(x, CrispSet(min(u1, u2), max(u1, u2)))

        return interval_set
def create_gaussian_fixed_sigma(primary_domain, m1, m2, sigma=1.0)

Creates an interval type-2 fuzzy set with fixed standard deviation and uncertain mean


primary_domain – list, elements of primary domain

m1 – lowest value of mean

m2 – highest value of mean

sigma – standard deviation , default 1


interval_set – created interval type-2 fuzzy set


Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Introduction to type-2 fuzzy logic systems." 1998 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Proceedings. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence ( Cat. No. 98CH36228). Vol. 2. IEEE, 1998.

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def create_gaussian_fixed_sigma(primary_domain, m1, m2, sigma=1.0):
        Creates an interval type-2 fuzzy set with fixed standard deviation and uncertain mean

        primary_domain -- list, elements of primary domain

        m1 -- lowest value of mean

        m2 -- highest value of mean
        sigma -- standard deviation , default 1

        interval_set -- created interval type-2 fuzzy set

        Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. 
        "Introduction to type-2 fuzzy logic systems." 
        1998 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Proceedings.
        IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (
        Cat. No. 98CH36228). Vol. 2. IEEE, 1998.
        # check that m1 is smaller than m2
        if m1 > m2:
                raise Exception('ERROR: m1 vaue must be smaller or equal to m2')
        interval_set = IntervalType2FuzzySet()
        toggle_peak = False
        element = None

        for x in primary_domain:

                u1 = math.exp(-0.5*((x-float(m1))/sigma)**2)
                u2 = math.exp(-0.5*((x-float(m2))/sigma)**2)

                # once m1 has a value of 1 the plateu starts and ands when m2 reaches a value of 1
                if u1 == 1:
                        toggle_peak = True
                if u2 == 1:
                        toggle_peak = False

                if toggle_peak:
                        element = CrispSet(min(u1, u2), 1)
                        element = CrispSet(min(u1, u2), max(u1, u2))

                # add the element to the it2fs
                interval_set.add_element(x, element)

        return interval_set
def generate_gt2set_horizontal(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_definition)

Experimemtal method for generating a type-2 fuzzy set from a pointwise definition where each point is a touple (x, u, delta_left, delta_right); where: x is the primary domain value of the point u is the secondary domain value of the point delta_left is the spread of the type 2 set to the left and delta_right is the spread to the right of the type 2 set such that a triangular funation is forment at u with values x-delta_left, x, x+delta_right


primary_domain – 1D array, data vector for primary domain secondary_domain – 1D array, data vector for secondary domain [0,1] point_set – 1D array, data for points that make up the type-2 set


gt2fs – 2D array describing the type-2 set

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def generate_gt2set_horizontal(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_definition):
        Experimemtal method for generating a type-2 fuzzy set from a pointwise definition
        where each point is a touple (x, u, delta_left, delta_right); where:
        x is the primary domain value of the point
        u is the secondary domain value of the point
        delta_left is the spread of the type 2 set to the left and
        delta_right is the spread to the right of the type 2 set such that
        a triangular funation is forment at u with values x-delta_left, x, x+delta_right

        primary_domain -- 1D array, data vector for primary domain
        secondary_domain -- 1D array, data vector for secondary domain [0,1]
        point_set -- 1D array, data for points that make up the type-2 set

        gt2fs -- 2D array describing the type-2 set

        sec_dom_increment = secondary_domain[1] - secondary_domain[0]
        pri_dom_increment = primary_domain[1] - primary_domain[0]

        gt2fs = np.zeros([len(secondary_domain), len(primary_domain)])

        for idx in range(0, len(set_definition) - 1):

                start_point = set_definition[idx]
                end_point = set_definition[idx + 1]
                assert(_pri_dom_from_point(start_point) <= _pri_dom_from_point(end_point))

                pri_dom_pt_start = _pri_dom_from_point(start_point, pri_dom_increment)
                pri_dom_pt_end = _pri_dom_from_point(end_point, pri_dom_increment)

                deltaleft_pt_start = _deltaleft_from_point(start_point)
                deltaleft_pt_end = _deltaleft_from_point(end_point)
                deltaright_pt_start = _deltaright_from_point(start_point)
                deltaright_pt_end = _deltaright_from_point(end_point)

                sec_dom_pt_start = _sec_dom_from_point(start_point, sec_dom_increment)
                sec_dom_pt_end = _sec_dom_from_point(end_point, sec_dom_increment)

                # generation
                r_k = (primary_domain - pri_dom_pt_start) / (pri_dom_pt_end - pri_dom_pt_start)

                u_k = (r_k * (sec_dom_pt_end - sec_dom_pt_start)) + sec_dom_pt_start
                u_k = (np.round(u_k / sec_dom_increment)) * sec_dom_increment
                u_k_idx = (np.round(u_k / sec_dom_increment)).astype(int)

                left_limit_k = (r_k * (pri_dom_pt_end - deltaleft_pt_end - pri_dom_pt_start +
                                                        deltaleft_pt_start)) + (pri_dom_pt_start - deltaleft_pt_start)
                right_limit_k = (r_k * (pri_dom_pt_end + deltaright_pt_end - pri_dom_pt_start -
                                                                deltaright_pt_start)) + (pri_dom_pt_start + deltaright_pt_start)

                # filter the ones with acceptable secondary domain value
                filter_u = (u_k >= 0) & (u_k <= 1)
                filter_x = (primary_domain >= pri_dom_pt_start) & (primary_domain <= pri_dom_pt_end)
                _filter = filter_u & filter_x
                filter_idx = _filter.nonzero()[0]

                previous_index = None
                for index in filter_idx:
                        i = u_k_idx[index]
                        sec_grade = np.maximum(np.minimum((primary_domain - left_limit_k[index]) / (primary_domain[index] - left_limit_k[index]),
                                                                                (right_limit_k[index] - primary_domain) / (right_limit_k[index] - primary_domain[index])), 0)
                        gt2fs[i, :] = np.maximum(gt2fs[i, :], sec_grade)

                        # fill up missing portions between points
                        missing_range = []
                        if previous_index != None:
                                step = np.sign(u_k_idx[index] - u_k_idx[index-1])
                                if step != 0:
                                        missing_range = np.arange(
                                                u_k_idx[previous_index]+step, u_k_idx[index], step)
                                        gt2fs[missing_range, :] = np.maximum(
                                                gt2fs[missing_range, :], sec_grade)

                        previous_index = index

        return gt2fs
def gt2_mendeljohn_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none')


Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set." Information Sciences 132.1-4 (2001): 195-220.


gt2fs – the general type 2 fuzzy set precision – the precision applied when computing N/D and F information – the amount of information given to the user; none - no information

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def gt2_mendeljohn_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none'):
        Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set." 
        Information Sciences 132.1-4 (2001): 195-220.

        gt2fs -- the general type 2 fuzzy set
        precision -- the precision applied when computing N/D and F
        information -- the amount of information given to the user;
                none - no information

        reduced_set = None

        if information == 'none':
                reduced_set = _gt2_mendeljohn_noinfo(gt2fs, precision)
        return reduced_set
def gt2_partialcentroid_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none')


Gafa, Carmel, and Simon Coupland. "A new recursive type-reduction procedure for general type-2 fuzzy sets." Advances in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (T2FUZZ), 2011 IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2011.


gt2fs – the general type 2 fuzzy set precision – the precision applied when computing N/D and F information – the amount of information given to the user; none - no information

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def gt2_partialcentroid_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none'):
        Gafa, Carmel, and Simon Coupland. 
        "A new recursive type-reduction procedure for general type-2 fuzzy sets."
        Advances in Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Systems (T2FUZZ), 
        2011 IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2011.

        gt2fs -- the general type 2 fuzzy set
        precision -- the precision applied when computing N/D and F
        information -- the amount of information given to the user;
                none - no information
        reduced_set = None

        if information == 'none':
                reduced_set = _gt2_partialcentroid_noinfo(gt2fs, precision)

        return reduced_set
def it2_kernikmendel_reduce(it2fs, precision=5, information='none')
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def it2_kernikmendel_reduce(it2fs, precision=5, information='none'):
        reduced_set = None

        if information == 'none':
                reduced_set = _it2_kernikmendel_reduce_noinfo(it2fs, precision)
        elif information == 'full':
                reduced_set = _it2_kernikmendel_reduce_fullinfo(it2fs, precision)
        return reduced_set
def mom_defuzzify(type1_set)

Mean of Maxima defuzzification method


Mamdani, E. H., H. J. Efstathiou, and K. Sugiyama. "Developments in fuzzy logic control." Decision and Control, 1984. The 23rd IEEE Conference on. Vol. 23. IEEE, 1984.


type1_set – Type1FuzzySet, the set whose centroid is to be computed


centroid – float, the centroid of this set


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def mom_defuzzify(type1_set):
    Mean of Maxima defuzzification method

    Mamdani, E. H., H. J. Efstathiou, and K. Sugiyama. 
    "Developments in fuzzy logic control." Decision and Control, 1984. 
    The 23rd IEEE Conference on. Vol. 23. IEEE, 1984.

    type1_set   -- Type1FuzzySet, the set whose centroid is to be computed

    centroid    -- float, the centroid of this set


    max_domain_elements = []
    max_dom = 0

    for domain_element in type1_set.domain_elements():

        if type1_set[domain_element] > max_dom:
            max_dom = type1_set[domain_element]
        elif type1_set[domain_element] == max_dom:

    centroid = sum(max_domain_elements)/len(max_domain_elements)

    return centroid
def zslice_centroid_defuzzify(zSlice_set)
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def zslice_centroid_defuzzify(zSlice_set):
        numerator = 0
        denominator = 0

        for cut in zSlice_set.cuts():
                left = zSlice_set[cut].left
                right = zSlice_set[cut].right

                numerator = numerator + (cut * ((left + right)/2))
                denominator = denominator + cut
        centroid = numerator / denominator

        return centroid
def zslice_hagras_reduce(zt2fs, precision=5, information='none')



zt2fs – the z-slice type 2 fuzzy set precision – the precision applied when computing N/D and F information – the amount of information given to the user; none - no information

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def zslice_hagras_reduce(zt2fs, precision=5, information='none'):

        zt2fs -- the z-slice type 2 fuzzy set
        precision -- the precision applied when computing N/D and F
        information -- the amount of information given to the user;
                none - no information

        reduced_set = None

        if information == 'none':
                reduced_set = _zslice_hagras_noinfo(zt2fs, precision)
        elif information == 'full':
                reduced_set = _zslice_hagras_fullinfo(zt2fs, precision)
        return reduced_set


class AlphaCutType1FuzzySet

datastructure defining an alpha-slice type-1 fuzzy set is a dictionary having an crisp set for every alpha-cut such as: key: value of alpha-cut value: corresponding crisp set

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class AlphaCutType1FuzzySet:

        def __init__(self):
                datastructure defining an alpha-slice type-1 fuzzy set 
                is a dictionary having an crisp set for every alpha-cut such as:
                key: value of alpha-cut
                value: corresponding crisp set
                self._empty = True

        def __getitem__(self, cut):
                return self._set_definition[cut]

        def alpha_slices(self):
                return self._set_definition.keys()

        def from_type1fuzzyset(cls, t1fs, number_of_cuts):
                Converts a Type-1 Fuzzy Set into the union of slices

                t1fs -- Type1FuzzySet, the set to convert
                number_of_cuts -- the number of alpha slices
                at1fs = cls()
                delta = 1 / number_of_cuts
                precision = len(str(number_of_cuts))

                limits = None
                # TODO: go back to other version?
                #for cut in np.linspace(delta, 1, number_of_cuts):
                for cut in np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_cuts):
                        cut = round(cut, precision)
                        limits = t1fs.alpha_cut(cut)
                        if not limits.empty:
                                at1fs.add_element(cut, limits)
                return at1fs

        def empty(self):
                Return True if the set is empty
                return self._empty

        def add_element(self, alpha_cut, limits):
                if not limits.empty:
                        self._set_definition[alpha_cut] = limits
                        self._empty = False

        def cuts(self):
                returns the alpha-cuts that make this set
                return self._set_definition.keys()

        def __str__(self):
                returns a string representation of the alpha-cut type-1 fuzzy set in the form:
                alpha-cut_value_1: [left_limit_1, right_limit_1]
                alpha-cut_value_n: [left_limit_n, right_limit_n]

                representation = []
                for alpha_cut in self._set_definition.keys():
                        representation.append(f'{alpha_cut} : {self._set_definition[alpha_cut]}')
                return '\n'.join(representation)

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(str(self))'

Static methods

def from_type1fuzzyset(t1fs, number_of_cuts)

Converts a Type-1 Fuzzy Set into the union of slices


t1fs – Type1FuzzySet, the set to convert number_of_cuts – the number of alpha slices

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def from_type1fuzzyset(cls, t1fs, number_of_cuts):
        Converts a Type-1 Fuzzy Set into the union of slices

        t1fs -- Type1FuzzySet, the set to convert
        number_of_cuts -- the number of alpha slices
        at1fs = cls()
        delta = 1 / number_of_cuts
        precision = len(str(number_of_cuts))

        limits = None
        # TODO: go back to other version?
        #for cut in np.linspace(delta, 1, number_of_cuts):
        for cut in np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_cuts):
                cut = round(cut, precision)
                limits = t1fs.alpha_cut(cut)
                if not limits.empty:
                        at1fs.add_element(cut, limits)
        return at1fs

Instance variables

var empty

Return True if the set is empty

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def empty(self):
        Return True if the set is empty
        return self._empty


def add_element(self, alpha_cut, limits)
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def add_element(self, alpha_cut, limits):
        if not limits.empty:
                self._set_definition[alpha_cut] = limits
                self._empty = False
def alpha_slices(self)
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def alpha_slices(self):
        return self._set_definition.keys()
def cuts(self)

returns the alpha-cuts that make this set

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def cuts(self):
        returns the alpha-cuts that make this set
        return self._set_definition.keys()
class CrispSet (left_val=None, right_val=None)

Implements a Crisp set

Creates a crisp set. Initially the set is empty with left and right limit values set to None


left_val – float, the value of the left limit right_val – float, the value of the right limit


Exception if both limits are not None and if the left limit is greater than the right limit

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class CrispSet:
        Implements a Crisp set
        def __init__(self, left_val=None, right_val=None):
                Creates a crisp set. Initially the set is empty with left and right 
                limit values set to None

                left_val -- float, the value of the left limit
                right_val -- float, the value of the right limit

                Exception if both limits are not None and if the left limit is
                greater than the right limit
                self._empty = True
                self._left_val = None
                self._right_val = None
                self._precision = 5

                if (left_val != None) and (right_val != None):
                        if left_val > right_val:
                                raise Exception('ERROR: Incorrect crisp set limits. Left')
                        self._empty= False
                        self._left_val = left_val
                        self._right_val = right_val

        def empty(self):
                Returns True if the set is empty
                return self._empty

        def left(self):
                Returns the left limit of the set
                return self._left_val

        def left(self, value):
                Sets the left limit of the set. Check is bot left and right limit and sets the 
                set as not empty if both are not None

                if (self.right != None) and value != None and value > self.right:
                        raise Exception('ERROR: invalid left value')

                self._left_val = value

                if (self._left_val != None) and (self._right_val != None):
                        self._empty= False

                if (self._left_val is None) and (self._right_val is None):
                        self._empty= True

        def right(self):
                Returns the right limit of the set
                return self._right_val

        def right(self, value):
                Sets the right limit of the set. Check is bot left and right limit and sets the 
                set as not empty if both are not None
                if (self.left != None) and value != None and value < self.left:
                        raise Exception('ERROR: invalid left value')
                self._right_val = value
                if (self._left_val != None) and (self._right_val != None):
                        self._empty= False

                if (self._left_val is None) and (self._right_val is None):
                        self._empty= True

        def mid(self):
                Computes the mid point to the crisp set.
                mid_point -- float, the crisp set mid point

                Exception if the set is empty

                if self.left is None or self.right is None:
                        raise Exception('ERROR: Mid point cannot be found for this set.')

                if self._empty:
                        raise Exception('ERROR: Mid point cannot be found for an empty set.')
                mid_point = (self._left_val+self._right_val)/2
                return mid_point

        def union(self, crisp_set):

                self._left_val = min(self._left_val, crisp_set.left)
                self._right_val = max(self._right_val, crisp_set.right)

        def __str__(self):

                dec_places_formatter = '''%0.{}f'''.format(self._precision)
                representation = ''
                if self._left_val == self._right_val:
                        representation = f'[{ dec_places_formatter % self._left_val}]'
                        representation = f'[{ dec_places_formatter % self._left_val}, {dec_places_formatter % self._right_val}]'

                return representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)})'

Instance variables

var empty

Returns True if the set is empty

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def empty(self):
        Returns True if the set is empty
        return self._empty
var left

Returns the left limit of the set

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def left(self):
        Returns the left limit of the set
        return self._left_val
var mid

Computes the mid point to the crisp set.


mid_point – float, the crisp set mid point


Exception if the set is empty

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def mid(self):
        Computes the mid point to the crisp set.
        mid_point -- float, the crisp set mid point

        Exception if the set is empty

        if self.left is None or self.right is None:
                raise Exception('ERROR: Mid point cannot be found for this set.')

        if self._empty:
                raise Exception('ERROR: Mid point cannot be found for an empty set.')
        mid_point = (self._left_val+self._right_val)/2
        return mid_point
var right

Returns the right limit of the set

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def right(self):
        Returns the right limit of the set
        return self._right_val


def union(self, crisp_set)
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def union(self, crisp_set):

        self._left_val = min(self._left_val, crisp_set.left)
        self._right_val = max(self._right_val, crisp_set.right)
class GeneralType2FuzzySet

An implementation of a general type 2 fuzzy set As a data structure, the general type-2 fuzzy set is represented by a dict of

The data structure, the general type-2 fuzzy set is represented by a dict of

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class GeneralType2FuzzySet:
    An implementation of a general type 2 fuzzy set
    As a data structure, the general type-2 fuzzy set
    is represented by a dict of
    {primary_domain_val : secondary membership function object}

    def __init__(self):
        The data structure, the general type-2 fuzzy set
        is represented by a dict of
        {primary_domain_val : secondary membership function object}
        self.vertical_slices = {}
        self._precision = 4

    def __getitem__(self, primary_domain_val):
        For a given value of the primary domain,
        return the secondary membership function object

        primary_domain_val -- value of primary domain

        secondary_membership_function - smf object
        if primary_domain_val not in self.vertical_slices:
            raise Exception('Primary domain value of {} not in this set.'.format(primary_domain_val))

        return self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val]

    def __eq__(self, value):

        current_primary_len = len(self.primary_domain())
        value_primary_len = len(value.primary_domain())
        union_primary_len = len(list(set(self.primary_domain()).union(value.primary_domain())))

        if current_primary_len != value_primary_len:
            return False 

        if union_primary_len != value_primary_len:
            return False

        for pri_domain in self.primary_domain():
            if self[pri_domain] != value[pri_domain]:
                return False

        return True

    def __str__(self):
        Returns a formal representation of the general type-2 fuzzy set in the form:
        '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + ... + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xn'

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        num_dec_places  -- number of decimal places

        set_representation -- string representation of gt2fs
        represented_slices = []
        dec_places_formatter = '''%0.{}f'''.format(self._precision)

        for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
            sec_domains = list(self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val).domain_elements())
            doms = list(self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].dom_elements())

            def slice_rep_creation(sec_domains, doms): return dec_places_formatter % (
                doms)+' / ' + dec_places_formatter % (sec_domains)

            m = map(slice_rep_creation, sec_domains, doms)

            slice_rep = ' + '.join(m)
            represented_slices.append('(' + slice_rep + ')')

        def f2(sec_domains, doms): return doms + ' / ' + dec_places_formatter % (sec_domains)
        m2 = map(f2, self.primary_domain(), represented_slices)
        set_representation = ' + '.join(m2)

        return set_representation

    def __repr__(self):
        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)})'

    def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
        Creates a general type-2 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
        '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + ... +(b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xm'

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        Definition of secondary grade - pg 119

        set_representation -- string, representation of the gt2fs

        gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet

        Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
        if set_representation is None:
            raise Exception('Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
        if set_representation == '':
            raise Exception('Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

        gt2fs = cls()

            # remove spaces, tabs returns,
            translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
            set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

            # by splitting by +( we will get the secondary mfs
            # we would lose the initial ( of each mf except for the
            # first one - this will be removed lated
            sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+(')

            # so lets go through the membership functions
            for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:
                # remove the leading '('
                # this will only happen in the first mf
                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '('), None)
                sec_mf = sec_mf.translate(translation_table)

                # we now split the secondary membership function from the
                # primary domain value
                vertical_slice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split(')/')

                # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
                # index
                primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

                # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
                # dom / sec domain points
                points_s = vertical_slice_points_s.split('+')

                # we then examine each point to add them to the set
                for point_s in points_s:
                    # split by / so to obtain the dom and the sec domain value
                    sec_grade_val_s, sec_dom_val_s = point_s.split('/')

                    # get the secondary domain value and its corresponding
                    # index
                    secondary_domain_val = float(sec_dom_val_s)

                    sec_grade = float(sec_grade_val_s)
                    # add the point to the set
                    gt2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, sec_grade)
        except ValueError:
            raise Exception('Invalid set format')

        return gt2fs

    def from_array(cls, primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array):
        Creates a general type-2 fuzzy set from an array representation 
        of set where given is
        x -- a list containing the values of the primary domain
        u -- a list containing the values of the secondary domain
        set_array -- a 2D array where the rows map to the values of the u list
                                    the cols map to the values of the x list
                                    each value is the secondary grade value for
                                    the particular x / u combination


        set_array -- 2D array containing the secondary grade values of the gt2fs
        x -- list containing the values of the primary domain
        u -- list containing the values of the secondary domain

        gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet

        Exception -- if there is a mismatch between the x, u and set_array dimensions
        set_array = np.array(set_array)

        # check that array sizes are correct
        (secondary_domain_size, primary_domain_size) = np.shape(set_array)

        if secondary_domain_size != len(secondary_domain):
            raise Exception('Secondary domain size mismatch')

        if primary_domain_size != len(primary_domain):
            raise Exception('Primary domain size mismatch')

        gt2fs = cls()

        # load all the elements in the array
        for pri_dom_val_idx, pri_dom_val in enumerate(primary_domain):
            for sec_dom_val_idx, sec_dom_val in enumerate(secondary_domain):
                gt2fs.add_element(pri_dom_val, sec_dom_val, set_array[sec_dom_val_idx][pri_dom_val_idx])

        return gt2fs

    def load_file(cls, set_filename):
        Loads a general type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
        following format:
        '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xn'

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        Definition of secondary grade - pg 119

        set_filename -- string, filename of the set

        gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet

        Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
        representation = ''
            with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
                representation =
        except IOError:
            raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
        gt2fs = cls()
        gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

        return gt2fs

    def from_horizontal_representation(cls, primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_def):
        Experimental method of representing a general type-2 fuzzy set by defining the
        spread at the points of piecewise type-1 parts.
        each point is a tuple (x, u, delta_left, delta_right); where:
        x is the primary domain value of the point
        u is the secondary domain value of the point
        delta_left is the spread of the type 2 set to the left and
        delta_right is the spread to the right of the type 2 set such that
        a triangular function is formed at u with values x-delta_left, x, x+delta_right



        gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet
        set_array = generate_gt2set_horizontal(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_def)
        return GeneralType2FuzzySet.from_array(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array)

    def vertical_slice(self, primary_domain_val):
        For a given value of the primary domain, 
        returns a representation of the vertical slice
        in the form of a dict
        {secondary_domain : secondary_grade,  ... }

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        primary_domain_val -- value of primary domain

        vertical_slice - dict representing the values if the vertical slice
        return self[primary_domain_val]

    def save_file(self, set_filename, num_dec_places=4):
        Writes a formal representation of the general type-2 fuzzy set of the form:
        '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + ... + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xn'
        in a file

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        set_filename -- string containing the path of the file to be written
        num_dec_places -- number of decimal places used for secondary membership function, default 4

            with open(set_filename, 'w') as fuzzy_file:
        except IOError:
            raise Exception('Unable to write file {}'.format(set_filename))

    def to_array_explicit(self):
        Transforms a General type 2 fuzzy set into a 2D array


        primary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain
        secondary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the secondary domain
        set_array -- 2D array containing the degree of membership for the corresponding
                    primary/secondary combination

        # get all possible value of the secondary domain by a union with all the elements of
        # each vertical slice
        secondary_domain = []
        for primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
            secondary_domain = list(set().union(secondary_domain, list(self[primary_domain_val].domain_elements())))


        # get all possible value of the primary domain
        primary_domain =  list(self.vertical_slices.keys())

        # create an array to hold the dom
        set_array = np.zeros((len(secondary_domain), len(primary_domain)))

        for primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
            pri_domain_idx = primary_domain.index(primary_domain_val)

            for sec_domain_val in self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val).elements():
                sec_domain_idx = secondary_domain.index(sec_domain_val)

                set_array[sec_domain_idx, pri_domain_idx] = self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val)[sec_domain_val]

        return primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array

    def to_array_implicit(self, primary_domain, secondary_domain):
        Transforms a General type 2 fuzzy set into a 2D array but specifying the primary
        and secondary domain discrete values. The values of the set are thereby approximated 
        to these specified values

        primary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain
        secondary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the secondary domain

        set_array -- 2D array containing the degree of membership for the corresponding
                        primary/secondary combination

        # convert domain lists to numpy arrays
        primary_domain = np.array(primary_domain)
        secondary_domain = np.array(secondary_domain)
        # create resultant set
        set_array = np.zeros((len(secondary_domain), len(primary_domain)))

        # for each primary domain element, get closest element form list
        for primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
            pri_dom_val_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(primary_domain - primary_domain_val))

            # for each secondary domain element, get closest element form list
            for sec_domain_val in self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val]._elements:
                sec_dom_val_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(secondary_domain-sec_domain_val))

                # add set element in array
                set_array[sec_dom_val_idx, pri_dom_val_idx] = self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val)[sec_domain_val]

        return set_array

    def primary_domain(self):
        The primary domain of this fuzzy set


        primary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain
        primary_domain = list(self.vertical_slices.keys())
        return primary_domain

    def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade):
        Adds a new element to the general type-2 fuzzy set. 
        Will not add the element if the secondary grade is 0
        Will raise and exception if secondary domain is <1 and >0
        or secondary grade is <1 and >0

        primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
        secondary_domain_val -- float, value of the secondary domain, must be <1 and >0
        secondary_grade -- float value of the secondary grade, must be <1 and >0


        Exception if secondary domain is <1 and >0
        or secondary grade is <1 and >0
        # ignore if secondary grade = 0
        # if secondary_grade == 0:
        #       return
        # raise exception if secondary grade >1 or <0
        if secondary_grade > 1 or secondary_grade < 0:
            raise Exception('Invalid secondary grade value {} at x={} and u={}'.format(secondary_grade, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val))

        # raise exception if secondary domain >1 or <0
        if secondary_domain_val > 1 or secondary_domain_val < 0:
            raise Exception('Invalid secondary domain value {} at x={}'.format(secondary_domain_val, primary_domain_val))

        # if the primary domain exists just add the value of the smf
        # if not create a new smf to that primary domain value and
        # add that value
        if primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
                secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade)
            secondary_function = smf()
            secondary_function.add_element(secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade)
            self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val] = secondary_function

    def add_membership_function(self, primary_domain_val, membership_function):
        Adds a membership function to the general type-2 fuzzy set. 
        uses the add_element() method and uses the checks implemented in
        that function
        primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
        membership_function -- TYpe1FuzzySet, membership function to be added

        for secondary_domain_val in membership_function.domain_elements():
            self.add_element(primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, membership_function[secondary_domain_val])

    def footprint_of_uncertainty(self):
        For all values of x, return the limits of the values of u where 
        the secondary grade > 0

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        footprint -- dict of primary domain element : (limits tuple)
        fou = {}

        for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
            limits = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].domain_limits()
            if not limits.empty:
                fou[primary_domain_val] = limits

        return fou

    def z_slice(self, slice_value):

        sliced_set = IntervalType2FuzzySet()

        for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
            cut = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].alpha_cut(slice_value)

            if not cut.empty:
                sliced_set.add_element(primary_domain_val, cut)

        return sliced_set

    def primary_membership(self, primary_domain_val):
        Returns the domain of the secondary membership function that is called the
        primary membership

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


        _primary_membership -- list containing the domain of the secondary function
                                at X = primary_domain_val
        if primary_domain_val not in self.vertical_slices:
            raise Exception('Primary domain value not in this set.')

        _primary_membership = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].domain_elements()
        return _primary_membership

    def secondary_grade(self, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val):
        returns the amplitude of a secondary membership function,
        that is the secondary grade.
        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        primary_domain_val -- float, value of primary domain
        secondary_domain_val -- float, value of secondary domain

        secondary_grade -- float, value of secondary grade

        if secondary_domain_val > 1 or secondary_domain_val < 0:
            raise Exception('Invalid secondary domain value')

        if primary_domain_val not in self.primary_domain():
            raise Exception('Invalid primary domain value')

        secondary_grade = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].elements()[secondary_domain_val]
        return secondary_grade

    def embedded_type2_sets_count(self):
        returns the number of embedded type-2 fuzzy sets that can be 
        generated from this general type-2 fuzzy set.
        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


        embedded_count -- float, number of et2fs
        count = 1
        for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
            count = count * self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val).element_count()
        return count

    def embedded_type2_sets(self):
        Lists all the type 2 embedded sets of this gt2fs.
        List will contain tuples in the form
        [(sec_grade_1, sec_domain_1, pri_domain_1), ... , (sec_grade_n, sec_domain_n, pri_domain_n)]

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


        results -- list, containing embedded type 2 sets

        set_array = []
        primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array = self.to_array_explicit()

        # get an index array
        index_array = np.indices(set_array.shape)[0]

        # create a list with the number of non zero elements in each vertical slice
        # i.e. the number of non zero element in each column
        col_gen = [index_array[set_array[:, x] > 0, x] for x in range((set_array.shape)[1])]

        # the number of columns is the number of elements in the domain
        domain_index = range(0, (set_array.shape)[1])

        results = []
        # for every combination of the column elemnets create a type 2 embedded fuzzy set
        for t in itertools.product(*col_gen):
            embedded = list(map(lambda i: (set_array[t[i]][i], secondary_domain[t[i]], primary_domain[i]) , domain_index))

        return results

    def _format_slice(self, vertical_slice):
        x = list(vertical_slice.elements.keys())
        y = list(vertical_slice.elements.values())

        def f(x, y): return "%0.4f" % (y)+'/'+"%0.2f" % (x)
        m = map(f, x, y)
        slice_rep = ' + '.join(m)
        return slice_rep

    def union(self, gt2fs):
        resultant_gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet()

        primary_domain_a = self.primary_domain()
        primary_domain_b = gt2fs.primary_domain()

        primary_domain_union = list(set().union(primary_domain_a, primary_domain_b))

        for primary_domain_element in primary_domain_union:
            if primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_a:
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, gt2fs[primary_domain_element])
            elif primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_b:
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element])
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element].join(gt2fs[primary_domain_element]))

        return resultant_gt2fs

    def intersection(self, gt2fs):
        resultant_gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet()

        primary_domain_a = self.primary_domain()
        primary_domain_b = gt2fs.primary_domain()

        primary_domain_union = list(set().union(primary_domain_a, primary_domain_b))

        for primary_domain_element in primary_domain_union:
            if primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_a:
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, gt2fs[primary_domain_element])
            elif primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_b:
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element])
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element].meet(gt2fs[primary_domain_element]))

        return resultant_gt2fs

    def complement(self):
        finds the complement of a general type 2 fuzzy set 
        resultant_gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet()

        for primary_domain_element in self.primary_domain():
                    resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element].negation())

        return resultant_gt2fs

Static methods

def from_array(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array)

Creates a general type-2 fuzzy set from an array representation of set where given is x – a list containing the values of the primary domain u – a list containing the values of the secondary domain set_array – a 2D array where the rows map to the values of the u list the cols map to the values of the x list each value is the secondary grade value for the particular x / u combination



set_array – 2D array containing the secondary grade values of the gt2fs x – list containing the values of the primary domain u – list containing the values of the secondary domain


gt2fs – GeneralType2FuzzySet


Exception – if there is a mismatch between the x, u and set_array dimensions

Expand source code
def from_array(cls, primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array):
    Creates a general type-2 fuzzy set from an array representation 
    of set where given is
    x -- a list containing the values of the primary domain
    u -- a list containing the values of the secondary domain
    set_array -- a 2D array where the rows map to the values of the u list
                                the cols map to the values of the x list
                                each value is the secondary grade value for
                                the particular x / u combination


    set_array -- 2D array containing the secondary grade values of the gt2fs
    x -- list containing the values of the primary domain
    u -- list containing the values of the secondary domain

    gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet

    Exception -- if there is a mismatch between the x, u and set_array dimensions
    set_array = np.array(set_array)

    # check that array sizes are correct
    (secondary_domain_size, primary_domain_size) = np.shape(set_array)

    if secondary_domain_size != len(secondary_domain):
        raise Exception('Secondary domain size mismatch')

    if primary_domain_size != len(primary_domain):
        raise Exception('Primary domain size mismatch')

    gt2fs = cls()

    # load all the elements in the array
    for pri_dom_val_idx, pri_dom_val in enumerate(primary_domain):
        for sec_dom_val_idx, sec_dom_val in enumerate(secondary_domain):
            gt2fs.add_element(pri_dom_val, sec_dom_val, set_array[sec_dom_val_idx][pri_dom_val_idx])

    return gt2fs
def from_horizontal_representation(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_def)

Experimental method of representing a general type-2 fuzzy set by defining the spread at the points of piecewise type-1 parts. each point is a tuple (x, u, delta_left, delta_right); where: x is the primary domain value of the point u is the secondary domain value of the point delta_left is the spread of the type 2 set to the left and delta_right is the spread to the right of the type 2 set such that a triangular function is formed at u with values x-delta_left, x, x+delta_right





gt2fs – GeneralType2FuzzySet

Expand source code
def from_horizontal_representation(cls, primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_def):
    Experimental method of representing a general type-2 fuzzy set by defining the
    spread at the points of piecewise type-1 parts.
    each point is a tuple (x, u, delta_left, delta_right); where:
    x is the primary domain value of the point
    u is the secondary domain value of the point
    delta_left is the spread of the type 2 set to the left and
    delta_right is the spread to the right of the type 2 set such that
    a triangular function is formed at u with values x-delta_left, x, x+delta_right



    gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet
    set_array = generate_gt2set_horizontal(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_def)
    return GeneralType2FuzzySet.from_array(primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array)
def from_representation(set_representation)

Creates a general type-2 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + … + an/un)/x1 + … +(b1/u1 + b2/u2 + … + bn/un)/xm'


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

Definition of secondary grade - pg 119


set_representation – string, representation of the gt2fs


gt2fs – GeneralType2FuzzySet


Exception – if set_representation is empty, None or invalid

Expand source code
def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
    Creates a general type-2 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
    '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + ... +(b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xm'

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

    Definition of secondary grade - pg 119

    set_representation -- string, representation of the gt2fs

    gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet

    Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
    if set_representation is None:
        raise Exception('Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
    if set_representation == '':
        raise Exception('Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

    gt2fs = cls()

        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

        # by splitting by +( we will get the secondary mfs
        # we would lose the initial ( of each mf except for the
        # first one - this will be removed lated
        sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+(')

        # so lets go through the membership functions
        for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:
            # remove the leading '('
            # this will only happen in the first mf
            translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '('), None)
            sec_mf = sec_mf.translate(translation_table)

            # we now split the secondary membership function from the
            # primary domain value
            vertical_slice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split(')/')

            # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
            # index
            primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

            # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
            # dom / sec domain points
            points_s = vertical_slice_points_s.split('+')

            # we then examine each point to add them to the set
            for point_s in points_s:
                # split by / so to obtain the dom and the sec domain value
                sec_grade_val_s, sec_dom_val_s = point_s.split('/')

                # get the secondary domain value and its corresponding
                # index
                secondary_domain_val = float(sec_dom_val_s)

                sec_grade = float(sec_grade_val_s)
                # add the point to the set
                gt2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, sec_grade)
    except ValueError:
        raise Exception('Invalid set format')

    return gt2fs
def load_file(set_filename)

Loads a general type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the following format: '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + … + an/un)/x1 + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + … + bn/un)/xn'


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

Definition of secondary grade - pg 119


set_filename – string, filename of the set


gt2fs – GeneralType2FuzzySet


Exception – if set_filename is empty, None or invalid

Expand source code
def load_file(cls, set_filename):
    Loads a general type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
    following format:
    '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xn'

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

    Definition of secondary grade - pg 119

    set_filename -- string, filename of the set

    gt2fs -- GeneralType2FuzzySet

    Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
    representation = ''
        with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
            representation =
    except IOError:
        raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
    gt2fs = cls()
    gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

    return gt2fs


def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade)

Adds a new element to the general type-2 fuzzy set. Will not add the element if the secondary grade is 0 Will raise and exception if secondary domain is <1 and >0 or secondary grade is <1 and >0


primary_domain_val – float, value of the primary domain secondary_domain_val – float, value of the secondary domain, must be <1 and >0 secondary_grade – float value of the secondary grade, must be <1 and >0




Exception if secondary domain is <1 and >0 or secondary grade is <1 and >0

Expand source code
def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade):
    Adds a new element to the general type-2 fuzzy set. 
    Will not add the element if the secondary grade is 0
    Will raise and exception if secondary domain is <1 and >0
    or secondary grade is <1 and >0

    primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
    secondary_domain_val -- float, value of the secondary domain, must be <1 and >0
    secondary_grade -- float value of the secondary grade, must be <1 and >0


    Exception if secondary domain is <1 and >0
    or secondary grade is <1 and >0
    # ignore if secondary grade = 0
    # if secondary_grade == 0:
    #       return
    # raise exception if secondary grade >1 or <0
    if secondary_grade > 1 or secondary_grade < 0:
        raise Exception('Invalid secondary grade value {} at x={} and u={}'.format(secondary_grade, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val))

    # raise exception if secondary domain >1 or <0
    if secondary_domain_val > 1 or secondary_domain_val < 0:
        raise Exception('Invalid secondary domain value {} at x={}'.format(secondary_domain_val, primary_domain_val))

    # if the primary domain exists just add the value of the smf
    # if not create a new smf to that primary domain value and
    # add that value
    if primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
            secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade)
        secondary_function = smf()
        secondary_function.add_element(secondary_domain_val, secondary_grade)
        self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val] = secondary_function
def add_membership_function(self, primary_domain_val, membership_function)

Adds a membership function to the general type-2 fuzzy set. uses the add_element() method and uses the checks implemented in that function


primary_domain_val – float, value of the primary domain membership_function – TYpe1FuzzySet, membership function to be added



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def add_membership_function(self, primary_domain_val, membership_function):
    Adds a membership function to the general type-2 fuzzy set. 
    uses the add_element() method and uses the checks implemented in
    that function
    primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
    membership_function -- TYpe1FuzzySet, membership function to be added

    for secondary_domain_val in membership_function.domain_elements():
        self.add_element(primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val, membership_function[secondary_domain_val])
def complement(self)

finds the complement of a general type 2 fuzzy set

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def complement(self):
    finds the complement of a general type 2 fuzzy set 
    resultant_gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet()

    for primary_domain_element in self.primary_domain():
                resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element].negation())

    return resultant_gt2fs
def embedded_type2_sets(self)

Lists all the type 2 embedded sets of this gt2fs. List will contain tuples in the form [(sec_grade_1, sec_domain_1, pri_domain_1), … , (sec_grade_n, sec_domain_n, pri_domain_n)]


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.




results – list, containing embedded type 2 sets

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def embedded_type2_sets(self):
    Lists all the type 2 embedded sets of this gt2fs.
    List will contain tuples in the form
    [(sec_grade_1, sec_domain_1, pri_domain_1), ... , (sec_grade_n, sec_domain_n, pri_domain_n)]

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


    results -- list, containing embedded type 2 sets

    set_array = []
    primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array = self.to_array_explicit()

    # get an index array
    index_array = np.indices(set_array.shape)[0]

    # create a list with the number of non zero elements in each vertical slice
    # i.e. the number of non zero element in each column
    col_gen = [index_array[set_array[:, x] > 0, x] for x in range((set_array.shape)[1])]

    # the number of columns is the number of elements in the domain
    domain_index = range(0, (set_array.shape)[1])

    results = []
    # for every combination of the column elemnets create a type 2 embedded fuzzy set
    for t in itertools.product(*col_gen):
        embedded = list(map(lambda i: (set_array[t[i]][i], secondary_domain[t[i]], primary_domain[i]) , domain_index))

    return results
def embedded_type2_sets_count(self)

returns the number of embedded type-2 fuzzy sets that can be generated from this general type-2 fuzzy set.


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.




embedded_count – float, number of et2fs

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def embedded_type2_sets_count(self):
    returns the number of embedded type-2 fuzzy sets that can be 
    generated from this general type-2 fuzzy set.
    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


    embedded_count -- float, number of et2fs
    count = 1
    for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
        count = count * self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val).element_count()
    return count
def footprint_of_uncertainty(self)

For all values of x, return the limits of the values of u where the secondary grade > 0


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.




footprint – dict of primary domain element : (limits tuple)

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def footprint_of_uncertainty(self):
    For all values of x, return the limits of the values of u where 
    the secondary grade > 0

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

    footprint -- dict of primary domain element : (limits tuple)
    fou = {}

    for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
        limits = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].domain_limits()
        if not limits.empty:
            fou[primary_domain_val] = limits

    return fou
def intersection(self, gt2fs)


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def intersection(self, gt2fs):
    resultant_gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet()

    primary_domain_a = self.primary_domain()
    primary_domain_b = gt2fs.primary_domain()

    primary_domain_union = list(set().union(primary_domain_a, primary_domain_b))

    for primary_domain_element in primary_domain_union:
        if primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_a:
            resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, gt2fs[primary_domain_element])
        elif primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_b:
            resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element])
            resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element].meet(gt2fs[primary_domain_element]))

    return resultant_gt2fs
def primary_domain(self)

The primary domain of this fuzzy set




primary_domain – 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain

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def primary_domain(self):
    The primary domain of this fuzzy set


    primary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain
    primary_domain = list(self.vertical_slices.keys())
    return primary_domain
def primary_membership(self, primary_domain_val)

Returns the domain of the secondary membership function that is called the primary membership


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.




_primary_membership – list containing the domain of the secondary function at X = primary_domain_val

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def primary_membership(self, primary_domain_val):
    Returns the domain of the secondary membership function that is called the
    primary membership

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


    _primary_membership -- list containing the domain of the secondary function
                            at X = primary_domain_val
    if primary_domain_val not in self.vertical_slices:
        raise Exception('Primary domain value not in this set.')

    _primary_membership = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].domain_elements()
    return _primary_membership
def save_file(self, set_filename, num_dec_places=4)

Writes a formal representation of the general type-2 fuzzy set of the form: '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + … + an/un)/x1 + … + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + … + bn/un)/xn' in a file


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


set_filename – string containing the path of the file to be written num_dec_places – number of decimal places used for secondary membership function, default 4



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def save_file(self, set_filename, num_dec_places=4):
    Writes a formal representation of the general type-2 fuzzy set of the form:
    '(a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un)/x1 + ... + (b1/u1 + b2/u2 + ... + bn/un)/xn'
    in a file

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

    set_filename -- string containing the path of the file to be written
    num_dec_places -- number of decimal places used for secondary membership function, default 4

        with open(set_filename, 'w') as fuzzy_file:
    except IOError:
        raise Exception('Unable to write file {}'.format(set_filename))
def secondary_grade(self, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val)

returns the amplitude of a secondary membership function, that is the secondary grade.


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


primary_domain_val – float, value of primary domain secondary_domain_val – float, value of secondary domain


secondary_grade – float, value of secondary grade

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def secondary_grade(self, primary_domain_val, secondary_domain_val):
    returns the amplitude of a secondary membership function,
    that is the secondary grade.
    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

    primary_domain_val -- float, value of primary domain
    secondary_domain_val -- float, value of secondary domain

    secondary_grade -- float, value of secondary grade

    if secondary_domain_val > 1 or secondary_domain_val < 0:
        raise Exception('Invalid secondary domain value')

    if primary_domain_val not in self.primary_domain():
        raise Exception('Invalid primary domain value')

    secondary_grade = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].elements()[secondary_domain_val]
    return secondary_grade
def to_array_explicit(self)

Transforms a General type 2 fuzzy set into a 2D array




primary_domain – 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain secondary_domain – 1D array containing all the values in the secondary domain set_array – 2D array containing the degree of membership for the corresponding primary/secondary combination

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def to_array_explicit(self):
    Transforms a General type 2 fuzzy set into a 2D array


    primary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain
    secondary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the secondary domain
    set_array -- 2D array containing the degree of membership for the corresponding
                primary/secondary combination

    # get all possible value of the secondary domain by a union with all the elements of
    # each vertical slice
    secondary_domain = []
    for primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
        secondary_domain = list(set().union(secondary_domain, list(self[primary_domain_val].domain_elements())))


    # get all possible value of the primary domain
    primary_domain =  list(self.vertical_slices.keys())

    # create an array to hold the dom
    set_array = np.zeros((len(secondary_domain), len(primary_domain)))

    for primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
        pri_domain_idx = primary_domain.index(primary_domain_val)

        for sec_domain_val in self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val).elements():
            sec_domain_idx = secondary_domain.index(sec_domain_val)

            set_array[sec_domain_idx, pri_domain_idx] = self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val)[sec_domain_val]

    return primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array
def to_array_implicit(self, primary_domain, secondary_domain)

Transforms a General type 2 fuzzy set into a 2D array but specifying the primary and secondary domain discrete values. The values of the set are thereby approximated to these specified values


primary_domain – 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain secondary_domain – 1D array containing all the values in the secondary domain


set_array – 2D array containing the degree of membership for the corresponding primary/secondary combination

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def to_array_implicit(self, primary_domain, secondary_domain):
    Transforms a General type 2 fuzzy set into a 2D array but specifying the primary
    and secondary domain discrete values. The values of the set are thereby approximated 
    to these specified values

    primary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the primary domain
    secondary_domain -- 1D array containing all the values in the secondary domain

    set_array -- 2D array containing the degree of membership for the corresponding
                    primary/secondary combination

    # convert domain lists to numpy arrays
    primary_domain = np.array(primary_domain)
    secondary_domain = np.array(secondary_domain)
    # create resultant set
    set_array = np.zeros((len(secondary_domain), len(primary_domain)))

    # for each primary domain element, get closest element form list
    for primary_domain_val in self.vertical_slices:
        pri_dom_val_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(primary_domain - primary_domain_val))

        # for each secondary domain element, get closest element form list
        for sec_domain_val in self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val]._elements:
            sec_dom_val_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(secondary_domain-sec_domain_val))

            # add set element in array
            set_array[sec_dom_val_idx, pri_dom_val_idx] = self.vertical_slice(primary_domain_val)[sec_domain_val]

    return set_array
def union(self, gt2fs)
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def union(self, gt2fs):
    resultant_gt2fs = GeneralType2FuzzySet()

    primary_domain_a = self.primary_domain()
    primary_domain_b = gt2fs.primary_domain()

    primary_domain_union = list(set().union(primary_domain_a, primary_domain_b))

    for primary_domain_element in primary_domain_union:
        if primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_a:
            resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, gt2fs[primary_domain_element])
        elif primary_domain_element not in primary_domain_b:
            resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element])
            resultant_gt2fs.add_membership_function(primary_domain_element, self[primary_domain_element].join(gt2fs[primary_domain_element]))

    return resultant_gt2fs
def vertical_slice(self, primary_domain_val)

For a given value of the primary domain, returns a representation of the vertical slice in the form of a dict


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.


primary_domain_val – value of primary domain


vertical_slice - dict representing the values if the vertical slice

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def vertical_slice(self, primary_domain_val):
    For a given value of the primary domain, 
    returns a representation of the vertical slice
    in the form of a dict
    {secondary_domain : secondary_grade,  ... }

    J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
    Trans. Fuzzy Systems, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

    primary_domain_val -- value of primary domain

    vertical_slice - dict representing the values if the vertical slice
    return self[primary_domain_val]
def z_slice(self, slice_value)
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def z_slice(self, slice_value):

    sliced_set = IntervalType2FuzzySet()

    for primary_domain_val in self.primary_domain():
        cut = self.vertical_slices[primary_domain_val].alpha_cut(slice_value)

        if not cut.empty:
            sliced_set.add_element(primary_domain_val, cut)

    return sliced_set
class IntervalType2FuzzySet
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class IntervalType2FuzzySet:

        def __init__(self):
                self._interval_set_elements = {}

        def __getitem__(self, primary_domain_val):
                For a given value of the primary domain, 
                return the crisp set

                primary_domain_val -- value of primary domain

                crisp_set - corresponding crisp set
                if primary_domain_val not in self._interval_set_elements:
                        raise Exception(f'Primary domain value of {primary_domain_val} not in this set.')

                return self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val]

        def empty(self):
                Returns True if set is empty
                return self._empty

        @ classmethod
        def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs):
                Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General
                Type-2 Fuzzy Set

                gt2fs -- the general type-2 fuzzy set

                it2fs -- the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set
                it2fs = cls()

                it2fs = gt2fs.z_slice(0)

                return it2fs

        def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
                if set_representation == None:
                        raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
                if set_representation == '':
                        raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

                it2fs = cls()

                        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                        # by splitting by '+' we will get the secondary mfs
                        sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+')

                        # so lets go through the membership functions
                        for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:

                                # we now split the membership function from the
                                # primary domain value
                                vslice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split('/')

                                # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
                                # index
                                primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

                                # the vertical slice points is represnted by [left, right]
                                # remove the braces
                                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '[]'), None)
                                vslice_points_s = vslice_points_s.translate(translation_table)

                                # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
                                # dom / sec domain points
                                left_s, right_s = vslice_points_s.split(',')

                                left = float(left_s)
                                right = float(right_s)

                                it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, CrispSet(left, right))
                except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Invalid set format')

                return it2fs

        def load_file(cls, set_filename):
                Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
                following format:
                '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + ... + [ln, hn]/xn'


                set_filename -- string, filename of the set

                it2fs -- IntervalType2FuzzySet

                Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
                representation = ''
                        with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
                                representation =
                except IOError:
                        raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
                it2fs = cls()
                it2fs = IntervalType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

                return it2fs

        def from_hmf_lmf(cls, primary_domain, hmf, lmf):
                it2fs = cls()
                for idx, primary_domain_element in enumerate(primary_domain):
                        it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_element, CrispSet(lmf[idx], hmf[idx]))

                return it2fs

        def primary_domain(self):
                The primary domain of this fuzzy set


                primary_domain -- list, containing all the values in the primary domain
                primary_domain = list(self._interval_set_elements.keys())
                return primary_domain

        def mid_domain_element(self):
                returns the middle domain element
                return self.primary_domain()[int(len(self.primary_domain())/2)]

        def __str__(self):
                Creates a string representation of the interval type 2 fuzzy set in the form:
                (lower_1, upper_1)/domain_1 + ... + (lower_n, upper_n)/domain_n
                set_representation_list = []

                for primary_domain_element in self.primary_domain():

                set_representation = '+'.join(set_representation_list)

                return set_representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(str(self))'

        def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set):
                adds a new element to the interval type 2 set
                if the set already contains a range at the domain value,
                the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.

                primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
                left_val -- the left (minimum) value
                right_val -- the right (maximum) value

                if crisp_set.empty:

                if primary_domain_val in self._interval_set_elements:
                        self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val] = crisp_set

                if self._empty:
                        self._empty = False

        def lower_membership_function(self):

                umf = []

                for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
                return umf

        def higher_membership_function(self):

                hmf = []

                for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
                return hmf

Static methods

def from_general_type2_set(gt2fs)

Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General Type-2 Fuzzy Set


gt2fs – the general type-2 fuzzy set


it2fs – the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set

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@ classmethod
def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs):
        Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General
        Type-2 Fuzzy Set

        gt2fs -- the general type-2 fuzzy set

        it2fs -- the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set
        it2fs = cls()

        it2fs = gt2fs.z_slice(0)

        return it2fs
def from_hmf_lmf(primary_domain, hmf, lmf)
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def from_hmf_lmf(cls, primary_domain, hmf, lmf):
        it2fs = cls()
        for idx, primary_domain_element in enumerate(primary_domain):
                it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_element, CrispSet(lmf[idx], hmf[idx]))

        return it2fs
def from_representation(set_representation)
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def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
        if set_representation == None:
                raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
        if set_representation == '':
                raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

        it2fs = cls()

                # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                # by splitting by '+' we will get the secondary mfs
                sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+')

                # so lets go through the membership functions
                for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:

                        # we now split the membership function from the
                        # primary domain value
                        vslice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split('/')

                        # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
                        # index
                        primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

                        # the vertical slice points is represnted by [left, right]
                        # remove the braces
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '[]'), None)
                        vslice_points_s = vslice_points_s.translate(translation_table)

                        # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
                        # dom / sec domain points
                        left_s, right_s = vslice_points_s.split(',')

                        left = float(left_s)
                        right = float(right_s)

                        it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, CrispSet(left, right))
        except ValueError:
                raise Exception('Invalid set format')

        return it2fs
def load_file(set_filename)

Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the following format: '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + … + [ln, hn]/xn'



set_filename – string, filename of the set


it2fs – IntervalType2FuzzySet


Exception – if set_filename is empty, None or invalid

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def load_file(cls, set_filename):
        Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
        following format:
        '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + ... + [ln, hn]/xn'


        set_filename -- string, filename of the set

        it2fs -- IntervalType2FuzzySet

        Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
        representation = ''
                with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
                        representation =
        except IOError:
                raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
        it2fs = cls()
        it2fs = IntervalType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

        return it2fs

Instance variables

var empty

Returns True if set is empty

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def empty(self):
        Returns True if set is empty
        return self._empty


def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set)

adds a new element to the interval type 2 set if the set already contains a range at the domain value, the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.


primary_domain_val – float, value of the primary domain left_val – the left (minimum) value right_val – the right (maximum) value

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def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set):
        adds a new element to the interval type 2 set
        if the set already contains a range at the domain value,
        the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.

        primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
        left_val -- the left (minimum) value
        right_val -- the right (maximum) value

        if crisp_set.empty:

        if primary_domain_val in self._interval_set_elements:
                self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val] = crisp_set

        if self._empty:
                self._empty = False
def higher_membership_function(self)
Expand source code
def higher_membership_function(self):

        hmf = []

        for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
        return hmf
def lower_membership_function(self)
Expand source code
def lower_membership_function(self):

        umf = []

        for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
        return umf
def mid_domain_element(self)

returns the middle domain element

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def mid_domain_element(self):
        returns the middle domain element
        return self.primary_domain()[int(len(self.primary_domain())/2)]
def primary_domain(self)

The primary domain of this fuzzy set




primary_domain – list, containing all the values in the primary domain

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def primary_domain(self):
        The primary domain of this fuzzy set


        primary_domain -- list, containing all the values in the primary domain
        primary_domain = list(self._interval_set_elements.keys())
        return primary_domain
class SecondaryMembershipFunction

A secondary membership function is a vertical slice of mu(X=x, u)


J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

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class SecondaryMembershipFunction(Type1FuzzySet):
        A secondary membership function is a vertical slice of mu(X=x, u)

        J. M. Mendel and R. I. B. John, “Type-2 fuzzy sets made simple,” IEEE
        Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 117–127, Apr. 2002.

        def __init__(self):


Inherited members

class SetPlotter

Plotting of fuzzy sets

initialized a list that contains all set plots

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class SetPlotter():
        Plotting of fuzzy sets
        def __init__(self):
                initialized a list that contains all set plots
                self._setplots = []

        def add_generaltype2set(self, generaltype2set):
                Adds a general type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted

                generaltype2set     -- GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted

        def add_invervaltype2set(self, intervaltype2set):
                Adds an interval type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted

                intervaltype2set     -- GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted

        def add_zslicetype2set(self, zslicetype2set):
                Adds a z-slice type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted

                intervaltype2set     -- GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted

        def add_type1fuzzyset(self, type1fuzzyset):

        def plot(self, number_cols):
                Plots all the sets in the list

                number_cols -- the number of columns for this sheet
                number_rows = math.ceil(len(self._setplots)/number_cols)

                _, ax = plt.subplots(number_rows, number_cols)

                single_line = (number_rows == 1) or (number_cols == 1)

                for idx, setplot in enumerate(self._setplots):

                        # calculate the row and column number
                        row = int(idx / number_cols)
                        col = idx % number_cols

                        if single_line:
                                setplot.plot(ax[row, col])



def add_generaltype2set(self, generaltype2set)

Adds a general type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted


generaltype2set – GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted

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def add_generaltype2set(self, generaltype2set):
        Adds a general type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted

        generaltype2set     -- GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted
def add_invervaltype2set(self, intervaltype2set)

Adds an interval type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted


intervaltype2set – GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted

Expand source code
def add_invervaltype2set(self, intervaltype2set):
        Adds an interval type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted

        intervaltype2set     -- GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted
def add_type1fuzzyset(self, type1fuzzyset)
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def add_type1fuzzyset(self, type1fuzzyset):
def add_zslicetype2set(self, zslicetype2set)

Adds a z-slice type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted


intervaltype2set – GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted

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def add_zslicetype2set(self, zslicetype2set):
        Adds a z-slice type-2 fuzzy set to the list of the sets to be plotted

        intervaltype2set     -- GeneralType2FuzzySet, the set to be plotted
def plot(self, number_cols)

Plots all the sets in the list


number_cols – the number of columns for this sheet

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def plot(self, number_cols):
        Plots all the sets in the list

        number_cols -- the number of columns for this sheet
        number_rows = math.ceil(len(self._setplots)/number_cols)

        _, ax = plt.subplots(number_rows, number_cols)

        single_line = (number_rows == 1) or (number_cols == 1)

        for idx, setplot in enumerate(self._setplots):

                # calculate the row and column number
                row = int(idx / number_cols)
                col = idx % number_cols

                if single_line:
                        setplot.plot(ax[row, col])
class TimeMeasurement (report_folder, iterations=10)

Decorator arguments are passed in constructor


report_folder – string, location of the reporting folder iterations – int, number of times function is repeated in order to calculate average

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class TimeMeasurement(object):

        def __init__(self, report_folder, iterations=10):
                Decorator arguments are passed in constructor

                report_folder -- string, location of the reporting folder
                iterations -- int, number of times function is repeated in order to calculate average
                self.report_folder = report_folder
                self.iterations = iterations

        def setup_logger(self, name, log_file, level=logging.DEBUG):
                Set up a new logger - so that multiple loggers can co-exist

                name -- string, name of logger
                log_file -- string, location of log file

                logger -- newly created logger
                handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

                logger = logging.getLogger(name)

                return logger

        def dispose_logger(self, logger):
                Disposes of logger

                logger -- logger to be disposed of
                handlers_copy = logger.handlers.copy()
                for handler in handlers_copy:

        def __call__(self, func):
                Is called to execute function.

                Arguments: (there can be only one)
                func -- function to be executed
                def wrapped_func(param, *args):
                        Execution of the function
                        dirname = self.report_folder

                        #store the duration taken for each function to calculate average
                        durations = []
                        # create a logger for each iteration fo the function
                        item_logger = self.setup_logger('item_logger', f'{dirname}\\item.log')

                        # loop iteration times
                        for i in range(self.iterations):
                                #start timer, execute function, stop timer
                                start = time.perf_counter()
                                returns = func(param, *args)
                                end = time.perf_counter()
                                #calculate the duration and add it to the durations list
                                duration = end - start
                                #add item to list and echo
                                item_logger.debug((f'\t{i},\t{args}\t{returns},\t{duration}').replace(']', '').replace('[', ''))

                        #create a logger to add average duration and log
                        summary_logger = self.setup_logger('summary_logger', f'{dirname}\\.summary.log')
                        summary_logger.debug((f'\t{args},\t{sum(durations)/len(durations)}').replace(']', '').replace('[', ''))

                        #get rid of loggers

                return wrapped_func


def dispose_logger(self, logger)

Disposes of logger


logger – logger to be disposed of

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def dispose_logger(self, logger):
        Disposes of logger

        logger -- logger to be disposed of
        handlers_copy = logger.handlers.copy()
        for handler in handlers_copy:
def setup_logger(self, name, log_file, level=10)

Set up a new logger - so that multiple loggers can co-exist


name – string, name of logger log_file – string, location of log file


logger – newly created logger

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def setup_logger(self, name, log_file, level=logging.DEBUG):
        Set up a new logger - so that multiple loggers can co-exist

        name -- string, name of logger
        log_file -- string, location of log file

        logger -- newly created logger
        handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file)

        logger = logging.getLogger(name)

        return logger
class Type1FuzzySet


Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

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class Type1FuzzySet:
        Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
        application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

        def __init__(self):
                self._elements = {}
                self._empty = True
                self._precision = 3

        def __eq__(self, value):
                current_domain_len = len(self.domain_elements())
                value_domain_len = len(value.domain_elements())
                union_domain_len = len(list(set(self.domain_elements()).union(value.domain_elements())))

                if current_domain_len != value_domain_len:
                        return False

                if union_domain_len != value_domain_len:
                        return False

                current_dom_len = len(self.degree_of_membership())
                value_dom_len = len(value.degree_of_membership())
                union_dom_len = len(list(set(self.degree_of_membership()).union(value.degree_of_membership())))

                if current_dom_len != value_dom_len:
                        return False

                if union_dom_len != value_dom_len:
                        return False

                return True

        def __getitem__(self, x_val):
                For a given value of x, return the degree of membership

                Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
                application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

                x_val -- value of x 

                degree of membership -- float

                return self._elements[x_val]

        def __str__(self):

                set_elements = []
                dec_places_formatter = '''%0.{}f'''.format(self._precision)

                for domain_val, dom_val in self._elements.items():
                        set_elements.append(f'{dec_places_formatter % dom_val}/{dec_places_formatter % domain_val}')

                set_representation = ' + '.join(set_elements)

                return set_representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)})'

        @ classmethod
        def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
                Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
                'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un'

                Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
                application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

                set_representation -- string, representation of the t1fs

                t1fs -- Type-1 Fuzzy Set

                Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
                if set_representation == None:
                        raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be null')
                if set_representation == '':
                        raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be empty')

                t1fs = cls()

                        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                        # by splitting by + we will get 
                        # the degree of memberships / domain combinations
                        set_elements = set_representation.split('+')

                        for element in set_elements:
                                # we now split the membership function from the
                                # primary domain value
                                dom_val, domain_val = element.split('/')
                                t1fs.add_element(float(domain_val), float(dom_val))

                except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Invalid set type-1 format')

                return t1fs

        @ classmethod
        def from_alphacut_type1_set(cls, alphacut_set):
                t1fs = cls()
                for cut in alphacut_set.cuts():
                        limits = alphacut_set[cut]
                        t1fs.add_element(limits.left, cut)
                        t1fs.add_element(limits.right, cut)

                # sort dictionary with domain 
                # TODO. do this if required only
                domain_list = t1fs.domain_elements()
                new_elements = {}
                for domain_value in domain_list:
                        new_elements[domain_value] = t1fs._elements[domain_value]
                t1fs._elements = new_elements

                return t1fs

        def create_triangular(cls, univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi):

                Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
                The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
                dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

                Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
                An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.

                univ_low -- lower value of the universe of discourse
                univ_hi -- higher value of the universe of discourse
                univ_res -- resolution of the universe of discourse
                set_low -- sel low point, where dom is 0
                set_mid -- sel mid point, where dom is 1
                set_hi -- sel high point, where dom is 0

                The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

                if univ_hi <= univ_low:
                        raise Exception('Error in universe definition')
                if (set_hi < set_mid) or (set_mid < set_low):
                        raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

                t1fs = cls()

                precision = len(str(univ_res))
                domain_elements =  np.round(np.linspace(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res), precision)

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                set_mid = domain_elements[idx]

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_low)).argmin()
                set_low = domain_elements[idx]

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_hi)).argmin()
                set_hi = domain_elements[idx]

                for domain_val in domain_elements:
                        # get the dom of the set at the point
                        dom = max(min((domain_val-set_low)/(set_mid-set_low), (set_hi-domain_val)/(set_hi-set_mid)), 0)

                        # idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                        # dom = domain_elements[idx]

                        t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

                return t1fs

        def create_triangular_ex(cls, primary_domain, a, b, c):

                Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
                The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
                dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

                Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
                An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


                a -- set low point, where dom is 0
                b -- set mid point, where dom is 1
                c -- set high point, where dom is 0

                The new type1 triangular fuzzy set
                if (c <= b) or (b <= a):
                        raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

                t1fs = cls()

                for x in primary_domain:
                        dom = max(min((x - a)/(b - a), (c - x)/(c - b)), 0)
                        t1fs.add_element(x, dom)

                return t1fs

        def adjust_value(val, val_array):
                idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
                return val_array[idx]

        def create_trapezoidal(cls, domain, a, b, c, d):
                t1fs = cls()

                for domain_val in domain:
                        if domain_val > a and domain_val < d:
                                if b == a:
                                        dom = min(max((d-domain_val)/(d-c), 0), 1)
                                elif d==c:
                                        dom = min(max((domain_val-a)/(b-a), 0), 1)
                                        dom = min(max(min((domain_val-a)/(b-a), (d-domain_val)/(d-c)), 0), 1)

                                t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

                return t1fs

        def empty(self):
                True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0
                return self._empty

        def elements(self):
                Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary


                elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs
                elements = self._elements
                return elements

        def element_count(self):
                return len(self._elements)

        def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val):
                Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated
                domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept

                domain_val -- float, the value of x
                degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership
                if dom_val > 1:
                        raise ValueError('degree of membership must not be greater than 1, {} : {}'.format(domain_val, dom_val))

                if domain_val in self._elements:
                        self._elements[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], dom_val)
                        self._elements[domain_val] = dom_val
                        self._empty = False

        def domain_elements(self):
                Return a list of all the domain elements

                domain_vals -- list, containing all the values of the domain
                domain_vals = list(self._elements.keys())
                return domain_vals
        def dom_elements(self):
                Returns a list of all the doms in the set

                dom_vals -- list, containing all the values of the dom
                dom_vals = list(self._elements.values())
                return dom_vals

        def degree_of_membership(self):
                Return a list of all the degree of membership values

                doms -- list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values
                doms = list(self._elements.values())
                return doms

        def size(self):
                The size of the set

                set_size: int, the number of elements in the set
                set_size = len(self._elements)
                return set_size

        def domain_limits(self):
                Returns the domain limits of this t1fs



                limits -- CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value
                limits = CrispSet(min(self._elements.keys()), max(self._elements.keys()))
                return limits
        def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val):

                if alpha_val == 0:
                        filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) > 0).nonzero()[0]

                # create a filter of the degrees of membership that exceed the cut value
                        filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) >= alpha_val).nonzero()[0]

                # appply the filter on the domain to get the values included in the alpha-cut
                cut = np.array(self.domain_elements())[filter_idx]

                limits = CrispSet()

                if len(cut>0):
                        limits.left = min(cut)
                        limits.right = max(cut)

                return limits

        def extend(self, func):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_val in self.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(func(domain_val), self[domain_val])
                return resultant_set

        # operators
        def join(self, a_set):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(max(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                        min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

                return resultant_set

        def meet(self, a_set):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(min(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                        min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

                return resultant_set

        def negation(self):
                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(1 - domain_element, 

                return resultant_set

        def union(self, other_smf):
                resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

                resultant_smf = {}
                for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                        resultant_smf[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

                return resultant_smf

        def intersection(self, other_smf):
                resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

                resultant_smf = {}
                for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                        resultant_smf[domain_val] = min(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

                return resultant_smf


Static methods

def adjust_value(val, val_array)
Expand source code
def adjust_value(val, val_array):
        idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
        return val_array[idx]
def create_trapezoidal(domain, a, b, c, d)
Expand source code
def create_trapezoidal(cls, domain, a, b, c, d):
        t1fs = cls()

        for domain_val in domain:
                if domain_val > a and domain_val < d:
                        if b == a:
                                dom = min(max((d-domain_val)/(d-c), 0), 1)
                        elif d==c:
                                dom = min(max((domain_val-a)/(b-a), 0), 1)
                                dom = min(max(min((domain_val-a)/(b-a), (d-domain_val)/(d-c)), 0), 1)

                        t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

        return t1fs
def create_triangular(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi)

Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0


Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


univ_low – lower value of the universe of discourse univ_hi – higher value of the universe of discourse univ_res – resolution of the universe of discourse set_low – sel low point, where dom is 0 set_mid – sel mid point, where dom is 1 set_hi – sel high point, where dom is 0


The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

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def create_triangular(cls, univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi):

        Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
        The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
        dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

        Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
        An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.

        univ_low -- lower value of the universe of discourse
        univ_hi -- higher value of the universe of discourse
        univ_res -- resolution of the universe of discourse
        set_low -- sel low point, where dom is 0
        set_mid -- sel mid point, where dom is 1
        set_hi -- sel high point, where dom is 0

        The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

        if univ_hi <= univ_low:
                raise Exception('Error in universe definition')
        if (set_hi < set_mid) or (set_mid < set_low):
                raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

        t1fs = cls()

        precision = len(str(univ_res))
        domain_elements =  np.round(np.linspace(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res), precision)

        idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
        set_mid = domain_elements[idx]

        idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_low)).argmin()
        set_low = domain_elements[idx]

        idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_hi)).argmin()
        set_hi = domain_elements[idx]

        for domain_val in domain_elements:
                # get the dom of the set at the point
                dom = max(min((domain_val-set_low)/(set_mid-set_low), (set_hi-domain_val)/(set_hi-set_mid)), 0)

                # idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                # dom = domain_elements[idx]

                t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

        return t1fs
def create_triangular_ex(primary_domain, a, b, c)

Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0


Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


a – set low point, where dom is 0 b – set mid point, where dom is 1 c – set high point, where dom is 0


The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

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def create_triangular_ex(cls, primary_domain, a, b, c):

        Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
        The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
        dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

        Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
        An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


        a -- set low point, where dom is 0
        b -- set mid point, where dom is 1
        c -- set high point, where dom is 0

        The new type1 triangular fuzzy set
        if (c <= b) or (b <= a):
                raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

        t1fs = cls()

        for x in primary_domain:
                dom = max(min((x - a)/(b - a), (c - x)/(c - b)), 0)
                t1fs.add_element(x, dom)

        return t1fs
def from_alphacut_type1_set(alphacut_set)
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@ classmethod
def from_alphacut_type1_set(cls, alphacut_set):
        t1fs = cls()
        for cut in alphacut_set.cuts():
                limits = alphacut_set[cut]
                t1fs.add_element(limits.left, cut)
                t1fs.add_element(limits.right, cut)

        # sort dictionary with domain 
        # TODO. do this if required only
        domain_list = t1fs.domain_elements()
        new_elements = {}
        for domain_value in domain_list:
                new_elements[domain_value] = t1fs._elements[domain_value]
        t1fs._elements = new_elements

        return t1fs
def from_representation(set_representation)

Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form 'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + … + an/un'


Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.


set_representation – string, representation of the t1fs


t1fs – Type-1 Fuzzy Set


Exception – if set_representation is empty, None or invalid

Expand source code
@ classmethod
def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
        Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
        'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un'

        Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
        application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

        set_representation -- string, representation of the t1fs

        t1fs -- Type-1 Fuzzy Set

        Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
        if set_representation == None:
                raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be null')
        if set_representation == '':
                raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be empty')

        t1fs = cls()

                # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                # by splitting by + we will get 
                # the degree of memberships / domain combinations
                set_elements = set_representation.split('+')

                for element in set_elements:
                        # we now split the membership function from the
                        # primary domain value
                        dom_val, domain_val = element.split('/')
                        t1fs.add_element(float(domain_val), float(dom_val))

        except ValueError:
                raise Exception('Invalid set type-1 format')

        return t1fs

Instance variables

var empty

True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0

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def empty(self):
        True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0
        return self._empty


def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val)

Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept


domain_val – float, the value of x degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership

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def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val):
        Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated
        domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept

        domain_val -- float, the value of x
        degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership
        if dom_val > 1:
                raise ValueError('degree of membership must not be greater than 1, {} : {}'.format(domain_val, dom_val))

        if domain_val in self._elements:
                self._elements[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], dom_val)
                self._elements[domain_val] = dom_val
                self._empty = False
def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val)
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def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val):

        if alpha_val == 0:
                filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) > 0).nonzero()[0]

        # create a filter of the degrees of membership that exceed the cut value
                filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) >= alpha_val).nonzero()[0]

        # appply the filter on the domain to get the values included in the alpha-cut
        cut = np.array(self.domain_elements())[filter_idx]

        limits = CrispSet()

        if len(cut>0):
                limits.left = min(cut)
                limits.right = max(cut)

        return limits
def degree_of_membership(self)

Return a list of all the degree of membership values


doms – list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values

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def degree_of_membership(self):
        Return a list of all the degree of membership values

        doms -- list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values
        doms = list(self._elements.values())
        return doms
def dom_elements(self)

Returns a list of all the doms in the set


dom_vals – list, containing all the values of the dom

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def dom_elements(self):
        Returns a list of all the doms in the set

        dom_vals -- list, containing all the values of the dom
        dom_vals = list(self._elements.values())
        return dom_vals
def domain_elements(self)

Return a list of all the domain elements


domain_vals – list, containing all the values of the domain

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def domain_elements(self):
        Return a list of all the domain elements

        domain_vals -- list, containing all the values of the domain
        domain_vals = list(self._elements.keys())
        return domain_vals
def domain_limits(self)

Returns the domain limits of this t1fs




limits – CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value

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def domain_limits(self):
        Returns the domain limits of this t1fs



        limits -- CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value
        limits = CrispSet(min(self._elements.keys()), max(self._elements.keys()))
        return limits
def element_count(self)
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def element_count(self):
        return len(self._elements)
def elements(self)

Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary



elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs

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def elements(self):
        Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary


        elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs
        elements = self._elements
        return elements
def extend(self, func)
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def extend(self, func):

        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_val in self.domain_elements():
                resultant_set.add_element(func(domain_val), self[domain_val])
        return resultant_set
def intersection(self, other_smf)
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def intersection(self, other_smf):
        resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

        resultant_smf = {}
        for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                resultant_smf[domain_val] = min(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

        return resultant_smf
def join(self, a_set)
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def join(self, a_set):

        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(max(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

        return resultant_set
def meet(self, a_set)
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def meet(self, a_set):

        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(min(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

        return resultant_set
def negation(self)
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def negation(self):
        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(1 - domain_element, 

        return resultant_set
def size(self)

The size of the set


set_size: int, the number of elements in the set

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def size(self):
        The size of the set

        set_size: int, the number of elements in the set
        set_size = len(self._elements)
        return set_size
def union(self, other_smf)
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def union(self, other_smf):
        resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

        resultant_smf = {}
        for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                resultant_smf[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

        return resultant_smf
class ZSliceType2FuzzySet

datastructure defining a z-slice type-2 fuzzy set is a dictionary having an interval type-2 fuzzy set for every z_value such as: key: value of z-slice value: corresponding interval typ2-2 fuzzy set

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class ZSliceType2FuzzySet:

        def __init__(self):
                datastructure defining a z-slice type-2 fuzzy set is a dictionary having
                an interval type-2 fuzzy set for every z_value such as:
                key: value of z-slice
                value: corresponding interval typ2-2 fuzzy set
                self._z_slice_set_elements = {}
                self._empty = True

        @ classmethod
        def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs, no_slices):
                zt2fs = cls()

                z_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, no_slices+1)

                for z_val in z_vals:
                        z_sliced_set =  gt2fs.z_slice(z_val)

                        if not z_sliced_set.empty:
                                zt2fs.add_element(z_val, z_sliced_set)# 
                                zt2fs._empty = False
                return zt2fs

        def empty(self):
                return self._empty

        def add_element(self, z_slice_val, z_sliced_set):
                self._z_slice_set_elements[z_slice_val] = z_sliced_set

        def adjust_value(val, val_array):
                idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
                return val_array[idx]

        def __getitem__(self, z_slice_val):
                For a given z-slice value, 
                return the corresponding interval type-2 fuzzy set

                z_slice_val -- value of z-slice

                it2fs - corresponding interval type-2 set
                if z_slice_val not in self.zslices():
                        raise Exception(f'z-slice value of {z_slice_val} not in this set.')

                z_slice_val = self.adjust_value(z_slice_val, self.zslices())

                return self._z_slice_set_elements[z_slice_val]

        def zslices(self):
                return list(self._z_slice_set_elements.keys())

        def __str__(self):

                representation = []

                for slice in self._z_slice_set_elements:
                        representation.append(f'slice {slice}:\n {self._z_slice_set_elements[slice]}')

                return '\n'.join(representation)
        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(str(self))'

Static methods

def adjust_value(val, val_array)
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def adjust_value(val, val_array):
        idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
        return val_array[idx]
def from_general_type2_set(gt2fs, no_slices)
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@ classmethod
def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs, no_slices):
        zt2fs = cls()

        z_vals = np.linspace(0, 1, no_slices+1)

        for z_val in z_vals:
                z_sliced_set =  gt2fs.z_slice(z_val)

                if not z_sliced_set.empty:
                        zt2fs.add_element(z_val, z_sliced_set)# 
                        zt2fs._empty = False
        return zt2fs

Instance variables

var empty
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def empty(self):
        return self._empty


def add_element(self, z_slice_val, z_sliced_set)
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def add_element(self, z_slice_val, z_sliced_set):
        self._z_slice_set_elements[z_slice_val] = z_sliced_set
def zslices(self)
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def zslices(self):
        return list(self._z_slice_set_elements.keys())