Module type2fuzzy.membership.intervaltype2fuzzyset

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from type2fuzzy.membership.crispset import CrispSet

class IntervalType2FuzzySet:

        def __init__(self):
                self._interval_set_elements = {}

        def __getitem__(self, primary_domain_val):
                For a given value of the primary domain, 
                return the crisp set

                primary_domain_val -- value of primary domain

                crisp_set - corresponding crisp set
                if primary_domain_val not in self._interval_set_elements:
                        raise Exception(f'Primary domain value of {primary_domain_val} not in this set.')

                return self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val]

        def empty(self):
                Returns True if set is empty
                return self._empty

        @ classmethod
        def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs):
                Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General
                Type-2 Fuzzy Set

                gt2fs -- the general type-2 fuzzy set

                it2fs -- the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set
                it2fs = cls()

                it2fs = gt2fs.z_slice(0)

                return it2fs

        def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
                if set_representation == None:
                        raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
                if set_representation == '':
                        raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

                it2fs = cls()

                        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                        # by splitting by '+' we will get the secondary mfs
                        sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+')

                        # so lets go through the membership functions
                        for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:

                                # we now split the membership function from the
                                # primary domain value
                                vslice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split('/')

                                # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
                                # index
                                primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

                                # the vertical slice points is represnted by [left, right]
                                # remove the braces
                                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '[]'), None)
                                vslice_points_s = vslice_points_s.translate(translation_table)

                                # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
                                # dom / sec domain points
                                left_s, right_s = vslice_points_s.split(',')

                                left = float(left_s)
                                right = float(right_s)

                                it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, CrispSet(left, right))
                except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Invalid set format')

                return it2fs

        def load_file(cls, set_filename):
                Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
                following format:
                '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + ... + [ln, hn]/xn'


                set_filename -- string, filename of the set

                it2fs -- IntervalType2FuzzySet

                Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
                representation = ''
                        with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
                                representation =
                except IOError:
                        raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
                it2fs = cls()
                it2fs = IntervalType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

                return it2fs

        def from_hmf_lmf(cls, primary_domain, hmf, lmf):
                it2fs = cls()
                for idx, primary_domain_element in enumerate(primary_domain):
                        it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_element, CrispSet(lmf[idx], hmf[idx]))

                return it2fs

        def primary_domain(self):
                The primary domain of this fuzzy set


                primary_domain -- list, containing all the values in the primary domain
                primary_domain = list(self._interval_set_elements.keys())
                return primary_domain

        def mid_domain_element(self):
                returns the middle domain element
                return self.primary_domain()[int(len(self.primary_domain())/2)]

        def __str__(self):
                Creates a string representation of the interval type 2 fuzzy set in the form:
                (lower_1, upper_1)/domain_1 + ... + (lower_n, upper_n)/domain_n
                set_representation_list = []

                for primary_domain_element in self.primary_domain():

                set_representation = '+'.join(set_representation_list)

                return set_representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(str(self))'

        def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set):
                adds a new element to the interval type 2 set
                if the set already contains a range at the domain value,
                the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.

                primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
                left_val -- the left (minimum) value
                right_val -- the right (maximum) value

                if crisp_set.empty:

                if primary_domain_val in self._interval_set_elements:
                        self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val] = crisp_set

                if self._empty:
                        self._empty = False

        def lower_membership_function(self):

                umf = []

                for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
                return umf

        def higher_membership_function(self):

                hmf = []

                for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
                return hmf


class IntervalType2FuzzySet
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class IntervalType2FuzzySet:

        def __init__(self):
                self._interval_set_elements = {}

        def __getitem__(self, primary_domain_val):
                For a given value of the primary domain, 
                return the crisp set

                primary_domain_val -- value of primary domain

                crisp_set - corresponding crisp set
                if primary_domain_val not in self._interval_set_elements:
                        raise Exception(f'Primary domain value of {primary_domain_val} not in this set.')

                return self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val]

        def empty(self):
                Returns True if set is empty
                return self._empty

        @ classmethod
        def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs):
                Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General
                Type-2 Fuzzy Set

                gt2fs -- the general type-2 fuzzy set

                it2fs -- the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set
                it2fs = cls()

                it2fs = gt2fs.z_slice(0)

                return it2fs

        def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
                if set_representation == None:
                        raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
                if set_representation == '':
                        raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

                it2fs = cls()

                        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                        # by splitting by '+' we will get the secondary mfs
                        sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+')

                        # so lets go through the membership functions
                        for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:

                                # we now split the membership function from the
                                # primary domain value
                                vslice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split('/')

                                # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
                                # index
                                primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

                                # the vertical slice points is represnted by [left, right]
                                # remove the braces
                                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '[]'), None)
                                vslice_points_s = vslice_points_s.translate(translation_table)

                                # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
                                # dom / sec domain points
                                left_s, right_s = vslice_points_s.split(',')

                                left = float(left_s)
                                right = float(right_s)

                                it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, CrispSet(left, right))
                except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Invalid set format')

                return it2fs

        def load_file(cls, set_filename):
                Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
                following format:
                '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + ... + [ln, hn]/xn'


                set_filename -- string, filename of the set

                it2fs -- IntervalType2FuzzySet

                Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
                representation = ''
                        with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
                                representation =
                except IOError:
                        raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
                it2fs = cls()
                it2fs = IntervalType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

                return it2fs

        def from_hmf_lmf(cls, primary_domain, hmf, lmf):
                it2fs = cls()
                for idx, primary_domain_element in enumerate(primary_domain):
                        it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_element, CrispSet(lmf[idx], hmf[idx]))

                return it2fs

        def primary_domain(self):
                The primary domain of this fuzzy set


                primary_domain -- list, containing all the values in the primary domain
                primary_domain = list(self._interval_set_elements.keys())
                return primary_domain

        def mid_domain_element(self):
                returns the middle domain element
                return self.primary_domain()[int(len(self.primary_domain())/2)]

        def __str__(self):
                Creates a string representation of the interval type 2 fuzzy set in the form:
                (lower_1, upper_1)/domain_1 + ... + (lower_n, upper_n)/domain_n
                set_representation_list = []

                for primary_domain_element in self.primary_domain():

                set_representation = '+'.join(set_representation_list)

                return set_representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}(str(self))'

        def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set):
                adds a new element to the interval type 2 set
                if the set already contains a range at the domain value,
                the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.

                primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
                left_val -- the left (minimum) value
                right_val -- the right (maximum) value

                if crisp_set.empty:

                if primary_domain_val in self._interval_set_elements:
                        self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val] = crisp_set

                if self._empty:
                        self._empty = False

        def lower_membership_function(self):

                umf = []

                for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
                return umf

        def higher_membership_function(self):

                hmf = []

                for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
                return hmf

Static methods

def from_general_type2_set(gt2fs)

Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General Type-2 Fuzzy Set


gt2fs – the general type-2 fuzzy set


it2fs – the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set

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@ classmethod
def from_general_type2_set(cls, gt2fs):
        Creates an Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Set from a General
        Type-2 Fuzzy Set

        gt2fs -- the general type-2 fuzzy set

        it2fs -- the resulting interval type-2 fuzzy set
        it2fs = cls()

        it2fs = gt2fs.z_slice(0)

        return it2fs
def from_hmf_lmf(primary_domain, hmf, lmf)
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def from_hmf_lmf(cls, primary_domain, hmf, lmf):
        it2fs = cls()
        for idx, primary_domain_element in enumerate(primary_domain):
                it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_element, CrispSet(lmf[idx], hmf[idx]))

        return it2fs
def from_representation(set_representation)
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def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
        if set_representation == None:
                raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be null')
        if set_representation == '':
                raise Exception('Interval Type-2 Set Representation cannot be empty')

        it2fs = cls()

                # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                # by splitting by '+' we will get the secondary mfs
                sec_mfs_s = set_representation.split('+')

                # so lets go through the membership functions
                for sec_mf in sec_mfs_s:

                        # we now split the membership function from the
                        # primary domain value
                        vslice_points_s, pri_dom_val_s = sec_mf.split('/')

                        # get the primary domain value and its corresponding
                        # index
                        primary_domain_val = float(pri_dom_val_s)

                        # the vertical slice points is represnted by [left, right]
                        # remove the braces
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, '[]'), None)
                        vslice_points_s = vslice_points_s.translate(translation_table)

                        # split by the '+' so that we will obtain the individual
                        # dom / sec domain points
                        left_s, right_s = vslice_points_s.split(',')

                        left = float(left_s)
                        right = float(right_s)

                        it2fs.add_element(primary_domain_val, CrispSet(left, right))
        except ValueError:
                raise Exception('Invalid set format')

        return it2fs
def load_file(set_filename)

Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the following format: '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + … + [ln, hn]/xn'



set_filename – string, filename of the set


it2fs – IntervalType2FuzzySet


Exception – if set_filename is empty, None or invalid

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def load_file(cls, set_filename):
        Loads a interval type-2 fuzzy set from a file. File must have the
        following format:
        '[l1, h1]/x1 + [l2, h2]/x2 + ... + [ln, hn]/xn'


        set_filename -- string, filename of the set

        it2fs -- IntervalType2FuzzySet

        Exception -- if set_filename is empty, None or invalid
        representation = ''
                with open(set_filename, 'r') as file:
                        representation =
        except IOError:
                raise Exception('Could not read file {}'.format(set_filename))
        it2fs = cls()
        it2fs = IntervalType2FuzzySet.from_representation(representation)

        return it2fs

Instance variables

var empty

Returns True if set is empty

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def empty(self):
        Returns True if set is empty
        return self._empty


def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set)

adds a new element to the interval type 2 set if the set already contains a range at the domain value, the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.


primary_domain_val – float, value of the primary domain left_val – the left (minimum) value right_val – the right (maximum) value

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def add_element(self, primary_domain_val, crisp_set):
        adds a new element to the interval type 2 set
        if the set already contains a range at the domain value,
        the minimum left and the maximum right are selected.

        primary_domain_val -- float, value of the primary domain
        left_val -- the left (minimum) value
        right_val -- the right (maximum) value

        if crisp_set.empty:

        if primary_domain_val in self._interval_set_elements:
                self._interval_set_elements[primary_domain_val] = crisp_set

        if self._empty:
                self._empty = False
def higher_membership_function(self)
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def higher_membership_function(self):

        hmf = []

        for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
        return hmf
def lower_membership_function(self)
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def lower_membership_function(self):

        umf = []

        for limits in self._interval_set_elements.values():
        return umf
def mid_domain_element(self)

returns the middle domain element

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def mid_domain_element(self):
        returns the middle domain element
        return self.primary_domain()[int(len(self.primary_domain())/2)]
def primary_domain(self)

The primary domain of this fuzzy set




primary_domain – list, containing all the values in the primary domain

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def primary_domain(self):
        The primary domain of this fuzzy set


        primary_domain -- list, containing all the values in the primary domain
        primary_domain = list(self._interval_set_elements.keys())
        return primary_domain