Module type2fuzzy.membership.type1fuzzyset

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import numpy as np
from type2fuzzy.membership.crispset import CrispSet

class Type1FuzzySet:
        Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
        application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

        def __init__(self):
                self._elements = {}
                self._empty = True
                self._precision = 3

        def __eq__(self, value):
                current_domain_len = len(self.domain_elements())
                value_domain_len = len(value.domain_elements())
                union_domain_len = len(list(set(self.domain_elements()).union(value.domain_elements())))

                if current_domain_len != value_domain_len:
                        return False

                if union_domain_len != value_domain_len:
                        return False

                current_dom_len = len(self.degree_of_membership())
                value_dom_len = len(value.degree_of_membership())
                union_dom_len = len(list(set(self.degree_of_membership()).union(value.degree_of_membership())))

                if current_dom_len != value_dom_len:
                        return False

                if union_dom_len != value_dom_len:
                        return False

                return True

        def __getitem__(self, x_val):
                For a given value of x, return the degree of membership

                Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
                application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

                x_val -- value of x 

                degree of membership -- float

                return self._elements[x_val]

        def __str__(self):

                set_elements = []
                dec_places_formatter = '''%0.{}f'''.format(self._precision)

                for domain_val, dom_val in self._elements.items():
                        set_elements.append(f'{dec_places_formatter % dom_val}/{dec_places_formatter % domain_val}')

                set_representation = ' + '.join(set_elements)

                return set_representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)})'

        @ classmethod
        def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
                Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
                'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un'

                Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
                application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

                set_representation -- string, representation of the t1fs

                t1fs -- Type-1 Fuzzy Set

                Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
                if set_representation == None:
                        raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be null')
                if set_representation == '':
                        raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be empty')

                t1fs = cls()

                        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                        # by splitting by + we will get 
                        # the degree of memberships / domain combinations
                        set_elements = set_representation.split('+')

                        for element in set_elements:
                                # we now split the membership function from the
                                # primary domain value
                                dom_val, domain_val = element.split('/')
                                t1fs.add_element(float(domain_val), float(dom_val))

                except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Invalid set type-1 format')

                return t1fs

        @ classmethod
        def from_alphacut_type1_set(cls, alphacut_set):
                t1fs = cls()
                for cut in alphacut_set.cuts():
                        limits = alphacut_set[cut]
                        t1fs.add_element(limits.left, cut)
                        t1fs.add_element(limits.right, cut)

                # sort dictionary with domain 
                # TODO. do this if required only
                domain_list = t1fs.domain_elements()
                new_elements = {}
                for domain_value in domain_list:
                        new_elements[domain_value] = t1fs._elements[domain_value]
                t1fs._elements = new_elements

                return t1fs

        def create_triangular(cls, univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi):

                Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
                The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
                dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

                Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
                An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.

                univ_low -- lower value of the universe of discourse
                univ_hi -- higher value of the universe of discourse
                univ_res -- resolution of the universe of discourse
                set_low -- sel low point, where dom is 0
                set_mid -- sel mid point, where dom is 1
                set_hi -- sel high point, where dom is 0

                The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

                if univ_hi <= univ_low:
                        raise Exception('Error in universe definition')
                if (set_hi < set_mid) or (set_mid < set_low):
                        raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

                t1fs = cls()

                precision = len(str(univ_res))
                domain_elements =  np.round(np.linspace(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res), precision)

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                set_mid = domain_elements[idx]

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_low)).argmin()
                set_low = domain_elements[idx]

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_hi)).argmin()
                set_hi = domain_elements[idx]

                for domain_val in domain_elements:
                        # get the dom of the set at the point
                        dom = max(min((domain_val-set_low)/(set_mid-set_low), (set_hi-domain_val)/(set_hi-set_mid)), 0)

                        # idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                        # dom = domain_elements[idx]

                        t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

                return t1fs

        def create_triangular_ex(cls, primary_domain, a, b, c):

                Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
                The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
                dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

                Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
                An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


                a -- set low point, where dom is 0
                b -- set mid point, where dom is 1
                c -- set high point, where dom is 0

                The new type1 triangular fuzzy set
                if (c <= b) or (b <= a):
                        raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

                t1fs = cls()

                for x in primary_domain:
                        dom = max(min((x - a)/(b - a), (c - x)/(c - b)), 0)
                        t1fs.add_element(x, dom)

                return t1fs

        def adjust_value(val, val_array):
                idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
                return val_array[idx]

        def create_trapezoidal(cls, domain, a, b, c, d):
                t1fs = cls()

                for domain_val in domain:
                        if domain_val > a and domain_val < d:
                                if b == a:
                                        dom = min(max((d-domain_val)/(d-c), 0), 1)
                                elif d==c:
                                        dom = min(max((domain_val-a)/(b-a), 0), 1)
                                        dom = min(max(min((domain_val-a)/(b-a), (d-domain_val)/(d-c)), 0), 1)

                                t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

                return t1fs

        def empty(self):
                True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0
                return self._empty

        def elements(self):
                Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary


                elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs
                elements = self._elements
                return elements

        def element_count(self):
                return len(self._elements)

        def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val):
                Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated
                domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept

                domain_val -- float, the value of x
                degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership
                if dom_val > 1:
                        raise ValueError('degree of membership must not be greater than 1, {} : {}'.format(domain_val, dom_val))

                if domain_val in self._elements:
                        self._elements[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], dom_val)
                        self._elements[domain_val] = dom_val
                        self._empty = False

        def domain_elements(self):
                Return a list of all the domain elements

                domain_vals -- list, containing all the values of the domain
                domain_vals = list(self._elements.keys())
                return domain_vals
        def dom_elements(self):
                Returns a list of all the doms in the set

                dom_vals -- list, containing all the values of the dom
                dom_vals = list(self._elements.values())
                return dom_vals

        def degree_of_membership(self):
                Return a list of all the degree of membership values

                doms -- list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values
                doms = list(self._elements.values())
                return doms

        def size(self):
                The size of the set

                set_size: int, the number of elements in the set
                set_size = len(self._elements)
                return set_size

        def domain_limits(self):
                Returns the domain limits of this t1fs



                limits -- CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value
                limits = CrispSet(min(self._elements.keys()), max(self._elements.keys()))
                return limits
        def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val):

                if alpha_val == 0:
                        filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) > 0).nonzero()[0]

                # create a filter of the degrees of membership that exceed the cut value
                        filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) >= alpha_val).nonzero()[0]

                # appply the filter on the domain to get the values included in the alpha-cut
                cut = np.array(self.domain_elements())[filter_idx]

                limits = CrispSet()

                if len(cut>0):
                        limits.left = min(cut)
                        limits.right = max(cut)

                return limits

        def extend(self, func):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_val in self.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(func(domain_val), self[domain_val])
                return resultant_set

        # operators
        def join(self, a_set):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(max(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                        min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

                return resultant_set

        def meet(self, a_set):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(min(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                        min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

                return resultant_set

        def negation(self):
                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(1 - domain_element, 

                return resultant_set

        def union(self, other_smf):
                resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

                resultant_smf = {}
                for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                        resultant_smf[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

                return resultant_smf

        def intersection(self, other_smf):
                resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

                resultant_smf = {}
                for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                        resultant_smf[domain_val] = min(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

                return resultant_smf


class Type1FuzzySet


Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

Expand source code
class Type1FuzzySet:
        Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
        application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

        def __init__(self):
                self._elements = {}
                self._empty = True
                self._precision = 3

        def __eq__(self, value):
                current_domain_len = len(self.domain_elements())
                value_domain_len = len(value.domain_elements())
                union_domain_len = len(list(set(self.domain_elements()).union(value.domain_elements())))

                if current_domain_len != value_domain_len:
                        return False

                if union_domain_len != value_domain_len:
                        return False

                current_dom_len = len(self.degree_of_membership())
                value_dom_len = len(value.degree_of_membership())
                union_dom_len = len(list(set(self.degree_of_membership()).union(value.degree_of_membership())))

                if current_dom_len != value_dom_len:
                        return False

                if union_dom_len != value_dom_len:
                        return False

                return True

        def __getitem__(self, x_val):
                For a given value of x, return the degree of membership

                Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
                application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

                x_val -- value of x 

                degree of membership -- float

                return self._elements[x_val]

        def __str__(self):

                set_elements = []
                dec_places_formatter = '''%0.{}f'''.format(self._precision)

                for domain_val, dom_val in self._elements.items():
                        set_elements.append(f'{dec_places_formatter % dom_val}/{dec_places_formatter % domain_val}')

                set_representation = ' + '.join(set_elements)

                return set_representation

        def __repr__(self):
                return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({str(self)})'

        @ classmethod
        def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
                Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
                'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un'

                Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
                application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

                set_representation -- string, representation of the t1fs

                t1fs -- Type-1 Fuzzy Set

                Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
                if set_representation == None:
                        raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be null')
                if set_representation == '':
                        raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be empty')

                t1fs = cls()

                        # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                        translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                        set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                        # by splitting by + we will get 
                        # the degree of memberships / domain combinations
                        set_elements = set_representation.split('+')

                        for element in set_elements:
                                # we now split the membership function from the
                                # primary domain value
                                dom_val, domain_val = element.split('/')
                                t1fs.add_element(float(domain_val), float(dom_val))

                except ValueError:
                        raise Exception('Invalid set type-1 format')

                return t1fs

        @ classmethod
        def from_alphacut_type1_set(cls, alphacut_set):
                t1fs = cls()
                for cut in alphacut_set.cuts():
                        limits = alphacut_set[cut]
                        t1fs.add_element(limits.left, cut)
                        t1fs.add_element(limits.right, cut)

                # sort dictionary with domain 
                # TODO. do this if required only
                domain_list = t1fs.domain_elements()
                new_elements = {}
                for domain_value in domain_list:
                        new_elements[domain_value] = t1fs._elements[domain_value]
                t1fs._elements = new_elements

                return t1fs

        def create_triangular(cls, univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi):

                Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
                The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
                dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

                Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
                An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.

                univ_low -- lower value of the universe of discourse
                univ_hi -- higher value of the universe of discourse
                univ_res -- resolution of the universe of discourse
                set_low -- sel low point, where dom is 0
                set_mid -- sel mid point, where dom is 1
                set_hi -- sel high point, where dom is 0

                The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

                if univ_hi <= univ_low:
                        raise Exception('Error in universe definition')
                if (set_hi < set_mid) or (set_mid < set_low):
                        raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

                t1fs = cls()

                precision = len(str(univ_res))
                domain_elements =  np.round(np.linspace(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res), precision)

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                set_mid = domain_elements[idx]

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_low)).argmin()
                set_low = domain_elements[idx]

                idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_hi)).argmin()
                set_hi = domain_elements[idx]

                for domain_val in domain_elements:
                        # get the dom of the set at the point
                        dom = max(min((domain_val-set_low)/(set_mid-set_low), (set_hi-domain_val)/(set_hi-set_mid)), 0)

                        # idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                        # dom = domain_elements[idx]

                        t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

                return t1fs

        def create_triangular_ex(cls, primary_domain, a, b, c):

                Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
                The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
                dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

                Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
                An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


                a -- set low point, where dom is 0
                b -- set mid point, where dom is 1
                c -- set high point, where dom is 0

                The new type1 triangular fuzzy set
                if (c <= b) or (b <= a):
                        raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

                t1fs = cls()

                for x in primary_domain:
                        dom = max(min((x - a)/(b - a), (c - x)/(c - b)), 0)
                        t1fs.add_element(x, dom)

                return t1fs

        def adjust_value(val, val_array):
                idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
                return val_array[idx]

        def create_trapezoidal(cls, domain, a, b, c, d):
                t1fs = cls()

                for domain_val in domain:
                        if domain_val > a and domain_val < d:
                                if b == a:
                                        dom = min(max((d-domain_val)/(d-c), 0), 1)
                                elif d==c:
                                        dom = min(max((domain_val-a)/(b-a), 0), 1)
                                        dom = min(max(min((domain_val-a)/(b-a), (d-domain_val)/(d-c)), 0), 1)

                                t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

                return t1fs

        def empty(self):
                True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0
                return self._empty

        def elements(self):
                Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary


                elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs
                elements = self._elements
                return elements

        def element_count(self):
                return len(self._elements)

        def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val):
                Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated
                domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept

                domain_val -- float, the value of x
                degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership
                if dom_val > 1:
                        raise ValueError('degree of membership must not be greater than 1, {} : {}'.format(domain_val, dom_val))

                if domain_val in self._elements:
                        self._elements[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], dom_val)
                        self._elements[domain_val] = dom_val
                        self._empty = False

        def domain_elements(self):
                Return a list of all the domain elements

                domain_vals -- list, containing all the values of the domain
                domain_vals = list(self._elements.keys())
                return domain_vals
        def dom_elements(self):
                Returns a list of all the doms in the set

                dom_vals -- list, containing all the values of the dom
                dom_vals = list(self._elements.values())
                return dom_vals

        def degree_of_membership(self):
                Return a list of all the degree of membership values

                doms -- list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values
                doms = list(self._elements.values())
                return doms

        def size(self):
                The size of the set

                set_size: int, the number of elements in the set
                set_size = len(self._elements)
                return set_size

        def domain_limits(self):
                Returns the domain limits of this t1fs



                limits -- CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value
                limits = CrispSet(min(self._elements.keys()), max(self._elements.keys()))
                return limits
        def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val):

                if alpha_val == 0:
                        filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) > 0).nonzero()[0]

                # create a filter of the degrees of membership that exceed the cut value
                        filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) >= alpha_val).nonzero()[0]

                # appply the filter on the domain to get the values included in the alpha-cut
                cut = np.array(self.domain_elements())[filter_idx]

                limits = CrispSet()

                if len(cut>0):
                        limits.left = min(cut)
                        limits.right = max(cut)

                return limits

        def extend(self, func):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_val in self.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(func(domain_val), self[domain_val])
                return resultant_set

        # operators
        def join(self, a_set):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(max(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                        min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

                return resultant_set

        def meet(self, a_set):

                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(min(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                        min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

                return resultant_set

        def negation(self):
                resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

                for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                                resultant_set.add_element(1 - domain_element, 

                return resultant_set

        def union(self, other_smf):
                resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

                resultant_smf = {}
                for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                        resultant_smf[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

                return resultant_smf

        def intersection(self, other_smf):
                resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

                resultant_smf = {}
                for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                        resultant_smf[domain_val] = min(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

                return resultant_smf


Static methods

def adjust_value(val, val_array)
Expand source code
def adjust_value(val, val_array):
        idx = (np.abs(val_array - val)).argmin()
        return val_array[idx]
def create_trapezoidal(domain, a, b, c, d)
Expand source code
def create_trapezoidal(cls, domain, a, b, c, d):
        t1fs = cls()

        for domain_val in domain:
                if domain_val > a and domain_val < d:
                        if b == a:
                                dom = min(max((d-domain_val)/(d-c), 0), 1)
                        elif d==c:
                                dom = min(max((domain_val-a)/(b-a), 0), 1)
                                dom = min(max(min((domain_val-a)/(b-a), (d-domain_val)/(d-c)), 0), 1)

                        t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

        return t1fs
def create_triangular(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi)

Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0


Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


univ_low – lower value of the universe of discourse univ_hi – higher value of the universe of discourse univ_res – resolution of the universe of discourse set_low – sel low point, where dom is 0 set_mid – sel mid point, where dom is 1 set_hi – sel high point, where dom is 0


The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

Expand source code
def create_triangular(cls, univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res, set_low, set_mid, set_hi):

        Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
        The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
        dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

        Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
        An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.

        univ_low -- lower value of the universe of discourse
        univ_hi -- higher value of the universe of discourse
        univ_res -- resolution of the universe of discourse
        set_low -- sel low point, where dom is 0
        set_mid -- sel mid point, where dom is 1
        set_hi -- sel high point, where dom is 0

        The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

        if univ_hi <= univ_low:
                raise Exception('Error in universe definition')
        if (set_hi < set_mid) or (set_mid < set_low):
                raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

        t1fs = cls()

        precision = len(str(univ_res))
        domain_elements =  np.round(np.linspace(univ_low, univ_hi, univ_res), precision)

        idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
        set_mid = domain_elements[idx]

        idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_low)).argmin()
        set_low = domain_elements[idx]

        idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_hi)).argmin()
        set_hi = domain_elements[idx]

        for domain_val in domain_elements:
                # get the dom of the set at the point
                dom = max(min((domain_val-set_low)/(set_mid-set_low), (set_hi-domain_val)/(set_hi-set_mid)), 0)

                # idx = (np.abs(domain_elements - set_mid)).argmin()
                # dom = domain_elements[idx]

                t1fs.add_element(domain_val, dom)

        return t1fs
def create_triangular_ex(primary_domain, a, b, c)

Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0


Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


a – set low point, where dom is 0 b – set mid point, where dom is 1 c – set high point, where dom is 0


The new type1 triangular fuzzy set

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def create_triangular_ex(cls, primary_domain, a, b, c):

        Creates a triangular type 1 fuzzy set in a defined universe of discourse
        The triangle is mage of three points; the low where the dom is 0, the mid where the
        dom is 1 and the high where the dom is 0

        Pedrycz, Witold, and Fernando Gomide. 
        An introduction to fuzzy sets: analysis and design. Mit Press, 1998.


        a -- set low point, where dom is 0
        b -- set mid point, where dom is 1
        c -- set high point, where dom is 0

        The new type1 triangular fuzzy set
        if (c <= b) or (b <= a):
                raise Exception('Error in triangular set definition')

        t1fs = cls()

        for x in primary_domain:
                dom = max(min((x - a)/(b - a), (c - x)/(c - b)), 0)
                t1fs.add_element(x, dom)

        return t1fs
def from_alphacut_type1_set(alphacut_set)
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@ classmethod
def from_alphacut_type1_set(cls, alphacut_set):
        t1fs = cls()
        for cut in alphacut_set.cuts():
                limits = alphacut_set[cut]
                t1fs.add_element(limits.left, cut)
                t1fs.add_element(limits.right, cut)

        # sort dictionary with domain 
        # TODO. do this if required only
        domain_list = t1fs.domain_elements()
        new_elements = {}
        for domain_value in domain_list:
                new_elements[domain_value] = t1fs._elements[domain_value]
        t1fs._elements = new_elements

        return t1fs
def from_representation(set_representation)

Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form 'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + … + an/un'


Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.


set_representation – string, representation of the t1fs


t1fs – Type-1 Fuzzy Set


Exception – if set_representation is empty, None or invalid

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@ classmethod
def from_representation(cls, set_representation):
        Creates a type-1 fuzzy set from a set representation of the form
        'a1/u1 + a2/u2 + ... + an/un'

        Zadeh, Lotfi Asker. "The concept of a linguistic variable and its 
        application to approximate reasoning—I." Information sciences 8.3 (1975): 199-249.

        set_representation -- string, representation of the t1fs

        t1fs -- Type-1 Fuzzy Set

        Exception -- if set_representation is empty, None or invalid
        if set_representation == None:
                raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be null')
        if set_representation == '':
                raise Exception('Type-1 Set Representation cannot be empty')

        t1fs = cls()

                # remove spaces, tabs returns,
                translation_table = dict.fromkeys(map(ord, ' \t\n\r'), None)
                set_representation = set_representation.translate(translation_table)

                # by splitting by + we will get 
                # the degree of memberships / domain combinations
                set_elements = set_representation.split('+')

                for element in set_elements:
                        # we now split the membership function from the
                        # primary domain value
                        dom_val, domain_val = element.split('/')
                        t1fs.add_element(float(domain_val), float(dom_val))

        except ValueError:
                raise Exception('Invalid set type-1 format')

        return t1fs

Instance variables

var empty

True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0

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def empty(self):
        True if the set is empty, i.e. there is no element with dom > 0
        return self._empty


def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val)

Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept


domain_val – float, the value of x degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership

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def add_element(self, domain_val, dom_val):
        Adds a new element to the t1fs. If there is already an element at the stated
        domain value the maximum degree of membership value is kept

        domain_val -- float, the value of x
        degree_of_membership, float value between 0 and 1. The degree of membership
        if dom_val > 1:
                raise ValueError('degree of membership must not be greater than 1, {} : {}'.format(domain_val, dom_val))

        if domain_val in self._elements:
                self._elements[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], dom_val)
                self._elements[domain_val] = dom_val
                self._empty = False
def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val)
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def alpha_cut(self, alpha_val):

        if alpha_val == 0:
                filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) > 0).nonzero()[0]

        # create a filter of the degrees of membership that exceed the cut value
                filter_idx = (np.array(self.degree_of_membership()) >= alpha_val).nonzero()[0]

        # appply the filter on the domain to get the values included in the alpha-cut
        cut = np.array(self.domain_elements())[filter_idx]

        limits = CrispSet()

        if len(cut>0):
                limits.left = min(cut)
                limits.right = max(cut)

        return limits
def degree_of_membership(self)

Return a list of all the degree of membership values


doms – list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values

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def degree_of_membership(self):
        Return a list of all the degree of membership values

        doms -- list, containing all the values of the degree of membership values
        doms = list(self._elements.values())
        return doms
def dom_elements(self)

Returns a list of all the doms in the set


dom_vals – list, containing all the values of the dom

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def dom_elements(self):
        Returns a list of all the doms in the set

        dom_vals -- list, containing all the values of the dom
        dom_vals = list(self._elements.values())
        return dom_vals
def domain_elements(self)

Return a list of all the domain elements


domain_vals – list, containing all the values of the domain

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def domain_elements(self):
        Return a list of all the domain elements

        domain_vals -- list, containing all the values of the domain
        domain_vals = list(self._elements.keys())
        return domain_vals
def domain_limits(self)

Returns the domain limits of this t1fs




limits – CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value

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def domain_limits(self):
        Returns the domain limits of this t1fs



        limits -- CrispSet containting the smallest an largest domain value
        limits = CrispSet(min(self._elements.keys()), max(self._elements.keys()))
        return limits
def element_count(self)
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def element_count(self):
        return len(self._elements)
def elements(self)

Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary



elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs

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def elements(self):
        Returns a copy of the elements making up this t1fs in the form a dictionary


        elements - dict, containing domain:degree_of_membership pairs
        elements = self._elements
        return elements
def extend(self, func)
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def extend(self, func):

        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_val in self.domain_elements():
                resultant_set.add_element(func(domain_val), self[domain_val])
        return resultant_set
def intersection(self, other_smf)
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def intersection(self, other_smf):
        resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

        resultant_smf = {}
        for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                resultant_smf[domain_val] = min(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

        return resultant_smf
def join(self, a_set)
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def join(self, a_set):

        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(max(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

        return resultant_set
def meet(self, a_set)
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def meet(self, a_set):

        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                for a_set_domain_element in a_set.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(min(domain_element, a_set_domain_element), 
                                                                                min(self[domain_element], a_set[a_set_domain_element]))

        return resultant_set
def negation(self)
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def negation(self):
        resultant_set = Type1FuzzySet()

        for domain_element in self.domain_elements():
                        resultant_set.add_element(1 - domain_element, 

        return resultant_set
def size(self)

The size of the set


set_size: int, the number of elements in the set

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def size(self):
        The size of the set

        set_size: int, the number of elements in the set
        set_size = len(self._elements)
        return set_size
def union(self, other_smf)
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def union(self, other_smf):
        resultant_set = set.intersection(set(self._elements), set(other_smf._elements))

        resultant_smf = {}
        for  domain_val in resultant_set:
                resultant_smf[domain_val] = max(self._elements[domain_val], other_smf.elements[domain_val])

        return resultant_smf