Module type2fuzzy.type_reduction.gt2_mendeljohn_reducer

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import numpy as np
import itertools
from type2fuzzy.membership.type1fuzzyset import Type1FuzzySet

def gt2_mendeljohn_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none'):
        Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set." 
        Information Sciences 132.1-4 (2001): 195-220.

        gt2fs -- the general type 2 fuzzy set
        precision -- the precision applied when computing N/D and F
        information -- the amount of information given to the user;
                none - no information

        reduced_set = None

        if information == 'none':
                reduced_set = _gt2_mendeljohn_noinfo(gt2fs, precision)
        return reduced_set

def _gt2_mendeljohn_noinfo(gt2fs, precision=5):
        Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set." 
        Information Sciences 132.1-4 (2001): 195-220.
        set_array = []
        primary_domain, secondary_domain, set_array = gt2fs.to_array_explicit()

        # get an index array
        index_array = np.indices(set_array.shape)[0]

        # create a list with the number of non zero elements in each vertical slice
        # i.e. the number of non xero element in each column
        col_gen = [index_array[set_array[:, x] > 0, x] for x in range(set_array.shape[1])]

        # the number of columns is the number of elements in the domain
        domain_index = range(0, set_array.shape[1])

        reduced_set = Type1FuzzySet()
        # for every comination of the column elemnets create a type 2 embedded fuzzy set
        for t in itertools.product(*col_gen):
                embedded = list(map(lambda i: (set_array[t[i]][i], secondary_domain[t[i]], primary_domain[i]) , domain_index))
                dom = 1
                cog_numerator = 0
                cog_denominator = 0
                for point in embedded:
                        dom = min(dom, point[0])
                        cog_numerator = round(cog_numerator +(point[1] * point[2]), precision)
                        cog_denominator = round(cog_denominator +(point[1]), precision)

                if cog_denominator > 0:
                        reduced_set.add_element(cog_numerator/cog_denominator, dom)

        return reduced_set


def gt2_mendeljohn_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none')


Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set." Information Sciences 132.1-4 (2001): 195-220.


gt2fs – the general type 2 fuzzy set precision – the precision applied when computing N/D and F information – the amount of information given to the user; none - no information

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def gt2_mendeljohn_reduce(gt2fs, precision=5, information='none'):
        Karnik, Nilesh N., and Jerry M. Mendel. "Centroid of a type-2 fuzzy set." 
        Information Sciences 132.1-4 (2001): 195-220.

        gt2fs -- the general type 2 fuzzy set
        precision -- the precision applied when computing N/D and F
        information -- the amount of information given to the user;
                none - no information

        reduced_set = None

        if information == 'none':
                reduced_set = _gt2_mendeljohn_noinfo(gt2fs, precision)
        return reduced_set